Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 53 Z23 and Ayanami went to buy ingredients for dinner, who did they meet? #AzurLane #Yostar #Slowahead
Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 68 Who did Javelin encounter when she was separated from her friends in a haunted house? #AzurLane #Yostar #Slowahead
Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 50 Javelin and Ayanami brought some sweets to Commander's office, who did they meet there? #AzurLane #Yostar #Slowahead
Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 52 Javelin and Laffey went to the warehouse to prepare for the party, who did they meet there? #AzurLane #Yostar #Slowahead
Four-Frame Manga Slow Ahead! - Chapter 72 Noshiro and Ayanami were organizing paperwork for the commander at night, who offered help? #AzurLane #Yostar #Slowahead