World championship 2022🇸🇮 決勝トーナメント進出🔥 #worldchampionship #Slovenia
Worldchampionship2022🇸🇮 ➡️fin. Our challenge for this year is over. 悔しい結果になってしまいましたが、 大きな収穫ができました! たくさんの応援 ありがとうございました🇯🇵 #worldchampionship #Slovenia #Ljubljana
İkili ilişkilerimizi ele almak ve temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Slovenya'dayız.🇹🇷🇸🇮 In #Slovenia to discuss our relations and hold bilaterals.🇹🇷🇸🇮
#Slovenya Ziyaretimiz. Visit to #Slovenia. 🇹🇷🇸🇮
“Gücün hakimiyeti mi kuralların gücü mü?” temalı 17. Bled Stratejik Forumu’na katılmak ve ikili temaslarda bulunmak üzere #Slovenya’dayız. In #Slovenia to attend the 17th Bled Strategic Forum titled “The rule of power or the power of rules” & to hold bilaterals. @BledStratForum
#Slovenya ziyaretimiz Visit to #Slovenia 🇹🇷 🇸🇮
Too beautiful to look away...すごい景色です!❤️✨📸 #SočaValley #Bovec #Slovenia
Veda ziyaretinde bulunan #Slovenya Büyükelçisi Primoz Seligo’ya ülkelerimiz arasındaki ilişkilere katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ediyorum. At his farewell visit, thanked Ambassador Primoz Seligo of #Slovenia for his contributions to the relations between our countries. 🇹🇷🇸🇮
#Slovenya Başbakanı Janez Jansa’yı bağımsızlıklarının 30. yıldönümü nedeniyle tebrik ettik ve ilişkilerimizin durumunu değerlendirdik.🇹🇷🇸🇮 Congratulated PM @JJansaSDS of #Slovenia for 30th anniversary of their independence and evaluated our bilateral relations.🇹🇷🇸🇮
#Canlı 📡 #Slovenya Dışişleri Bakanı Anze Logar ile Ortak Basın Toplantısı #Live📡 Joint Press Conference with Anze Logar, Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Slovenia 📍Lübliyana/Ljubljana twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Met w/Mufti Nedžad Grabus, President of Islamic Community in #Slovenia during Holy Ramadan. -Congratulated him on construction of the first mosque in Ljubljana & opening of Islamic Cultural Center. -Thanked Mufti Grabus, who is leaving office soon, for his leadership & services.
To celebrate Slovenia's Statehood Day, here are their Top 3 #Eurovision performances from the past 10 years! 🇸🇮 Happy Statehood Day, Slovenia! 🥳 Vesel dan državnosti!! 🎊 #Slovenia
Met w/President @BorutPahor of #Slovenia. -Celebrating 10th years of Strategic Partnership Agreement, which he signed as Prime Minister. -Pleased that Turkish companies are undertaking important projects in Slovenia. -Hoping to see him at @TurkishCiOSEECP and @AntalyaDF. 🇹🇷🇸🇮
Met w/ Foreign Minister @AnzeLog of #Slovenia. -Developing our relations in every field. -Our trade is $2 billion. Will increase it in a balanced way. -Will continue to work closely in EU issues during Term Presidency. -Will cooperate for stability & prosperity in Balkans.🇹🇷🇸🇮
Excellent virtual between @MOHW_Taiwan Minister Chen & #Slovenia's🇸🇮 @JJansaSDS. The pair talked #COVID19 issues like global spread, response measures & vaccines. #Taiwan🇹🇼 anticipates working even closer with the #EU🇪🇺 country in combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/vladaRS/status…
Gratitude to @JJansaSDS for the staunch support! Watch the PM's in-depth interview with @RRRameshRRR of @DDIndialive & learn about the strength of #Taiwan-#Slovenia ties, as well as why he chooses to #StandWithLithuania. We're #StrongerTogether! 🇹🇼🇸🇮🇱🇹 ▶️bit.ly/3KkoTBL twitter.com/vladaRS/status…