🎃👽 Something BIG is coming! 👉🏻 Out April 2nd, 2021! Pre-order your "Skyfall" copy now! nblast.de/Helloween-Skyf… #Helloween #Skyfall
🎃🇯🇵 親愛なる日本のパンプキンヘッズの皆さん!『SKYFALL』が日本の海外アーティストそしてロックアーティストのシングルチャートで1位になり、とても嬉しいです!多大なるサポートに心から感謝します!そしてまた皆さんに会えるのを楽しみにしています。Stay safe, stay metal!! #Helloween #Skyfall
🎃👽 WATCH NOW! The video for "Skyfall“ on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=gLV530… #Helloween #Skyfall @nuclearblasteu @nuclearblast
衣装は #フィギュアスケート を見る上での大切な導入部。連載2回目は #伊藤聡美 さんの創作するコスチュームに込められた、様々な「物語」について #白岩優奈 #亜麻色の髪の乙女 #樋口新葉 #Skyfall #松原孝臣 #JBpressautograph jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/624…
🎃 Flatten the runway with a loud drumbeat, here comes the beginning of something big: The spectacular single "SKYFALL" will be released April 2nd, 2021! 👉🏻 Pre-order now: nblast.de/Helloween-Skyf… 👉🏻 The upcoming album will follow in summer 2021. #Helloween #Skyfall
📷🎃 We're just getting started: Photographer Martin Häusler caught up with Helloween for the official "Skyfall" photo shooting. Get a closer look on what's to come! 👀 #Helloween #Skyfall
🎃👽 THE SINGLE HAS LANDED! The first track off our new album is now available for streaming and in various CD and vinyl formats! Go check it out! We’re so excited to hear your reactions! How do you like "Skyfall"? #Helloween #Skyfall
🎃🗯 Michael Kiske, Kai Hansen and Andi Deris sit down and discuss the idea behind the "Exclusive Alternative Vocals Mix" and why there's gonna be three versions of "Skyfall" anyways... #Helloween #Skyfall
ロンドンの地下鉄チャリング・クロス駅で映画『007/スカイフォール』ロケ地ツアー実施へ… 2019年5月・7月・8月催行 jamesbond007news.com/2019/03/06/cha… #Skyfall
🎃👽 Prepare for landing! The video for "Skyfall" will premiere on Friday, April 2nd, at 5 pm (CET) on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=gLV530… #Helloween #Skyfall @nuclearblasteu @nuclearblast
🎃🇬🇧 LOVE TO THE UK! "Skyfall" has reached the top spot in the physical single charts (12’’ and CD singles) in the United Kingdom. Thank you for your support, British pumpkinheads! #Helloween #Skyfall
🎃👀 We're taking a deep dive into the video for "Skyfall": Director Martin Häusler takes us on a visual journey, while songwriter and guitarist Kai Hansen tells us more on the background of the epic track. #Helloween #Skyfall