요즘은 원샷원킬보다 더 강력한게 나왔다는데💣 뭐였드라.......👓 아~ 건샷건킬🔥 히든이들도 심플리로 믿.듣.믿.보. 카드 보러가자‼️ #카드 #KARD #GUNSHOT #WayWithWords #SimplyKpop
킁킁👃 무슨 향이 나는 것 같은데.......... 문배한테 나는 내 취향🧴 심케 취향인 문배💐하구 취향 저격!!무대들 같이 보러 심플리케이팝으로💝 #더보이즈 #THEBOYZ #제이콥 #케빈 #JACOB #KEVIN #SimplyKpop
You've got another delivery! 📦 Our lovely MCs MoonBae are here to tell you where to watch #SimplyKpop in 15 minutes! YT: youtube.com/watch?v=EK93c0… VLIVE: vlive.tv/video/211184 Twitter: To be posted! See y'all at 1pm KST!
With all the social distancing going on these days, delivery is on 🔥, and so here we are, delivering your weekly dose of our handsome MCs MoonBae! 💌 Hope #Kevin, #Jacob and #SimplyKpop help you get through the rest of the week and into the weekend!
The sweetest off stage, so fierce on stage! #KARD is here to tell you that words have power, so aim them right, or you might be bleeding from that #GUNSHOT. Don't miss out on their powerful stage on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST!
We're at the end of summer but it's still pretty hot🥵 Luckily, #ONF is here to take us swimming but not just any swimming - #SukhumvitSwimming! So dive into #SimplyKpop with us at at 1PM KST!
At 1pm KST, get a candle 🕯 and blow it out, and POOF! #ACE will appear before your eyes on #SimplyKpop because your #Favorite_Boys are back as your favorite #Goblin.s! 👹 And if you're lucky, you might even find a #Clover ☘️🍀 made just for CHOICE!
To watch, or not watch - that is the question...But it actually isn't, because OFC you have to watch! #ONEUS is about to bring out all the dramatics to #SimplyKpop with #TOBEORNOTTOBE! Watch them get their Hamlet on at 1pm KST!
불🔥 이야 불🔥 이야~강렬한 공삼이들!! 앗🧊 차가 앗🧊 차가~시크한 공삼이들!! 온탕 냉탕🚿 넘나드는 강렬 + 시크 온리원오브 무대 보러 심플리로 가자 가자🔆 #온리원오브 #OnlyOneOf #얼음과_불의_노래 #SimplyKpop
제가 이런 질문을 받았어요..원어스 중 최애가 누구?! ..😲(당황해서 말이 안 나옴) “TO BE OR NOT TO BE”⚖️보다 더 큰 난제.. 레이븐 서호 이도 건희 환웅 시온 ☀️ 멋있어서 경마장 말도 안나오고 답도 없는 우리어스 보러 심플리로 갈래💝 #원어스 #ONEUS #투올낫 #TO_BE_OR_NOT_TO_BE #SimplyKpop
퓨즈 집중👀집에만 있기 너무 힘들죠?! 야심차게 선보이는 초초특급 방콕여행패키지🧳!!!!!!! 🌊스쿰빗스위밍🌊(with온옾) 🔥매.진.임.박.🔥 간식🍿챙겨가지구 얼른모여~ 심플리로 출발합니다‼️ #온앤오프 #ONF #스쿰빗스위밍 #SukhumvitSwimming #SimplyKpop
초이스~따라해봐요 딱 나와라 와라 뚝딱💣 딱 나와라 와라 뚝딱💣 🌫️🌫️🌫️🌫️🌫️ 어? 이게 모지..!! 금보다 더 더 반짝반짝 빛나구 소듕한 에이스🌟 맞다!! 도깨비랑 행운🍀도 심플리에 같이 온다고하던데..❇️ #에이스 #ACE #CLOVER #도깨비 #Favorite_Boys #GOBLIN #SimplyKpop
카리스마 ⚡️ 풀 장착 KARD 자, 시작합니다🕶️ 제이셉 🔫 비엠 🔫 전소민 🔫 전지우 🔫 상황종료🕯️ 다른말 필요없어 11글자..면 충분하지!! 심플리도 저격당한 KARD 무대 보러💘 #카드 #KARD #GUNSHOT #WayWithWords #SimplyKpop
9⃣월이다아아아아아아 멋있9 잘생겼9 귀엽9 사랑스럽9 케미폭발하9 보9보9매일봐두봐두보9싶9 컴백기다려지9 5959 우리 문배! 함께하는 심플리케이팝도 같이 보러가자9yo~🎵 #더보이즈 #THEBOYZ #제이콥 #케빈 #JACOB #KEVIN #SimplyKpop
[📺] Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) - BOCA (200828 ArirangTV Simply Kpop) 📎 tv.naver.com/v/15481878 #드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #SimplyKpop #같이_심플리케이팝_무대_BOCA? #BOCA🤫
And as we watched their creative juices flow, we knew we needed to capture these precious moments to share with our #SimplyKpop viewers! #ProteccMCMoonBae! We hope you enjoyed today's Simply Kpop!
As promised, part 2! When the timing is right, MC #MoonBae get their creative juices flowing to come up with new kinds of selfie poses. Lots of effort go into these #SimplyKpop selfies at times, and they're all for YOU! Yay!
What happens when the #SimplyKpop selfie phone is in #MoonBae's hands: Too much (but not quite enough) of our soft, precious BOYZ providing all the UWU we need in our livessssss *sobs* Watch out for more of Jacob & Kevin in part 2! Coming soon!
We're going to keep it short, because no words are really necessary for this powerful group! #Dreamcatcher = PERFORMANCEQUEENS Did you enjoy their #BOCA stage on #SimplyKpop today? 😍🔥
There was a sudden change with the broadcast time, but nobody panic! Just follow #MoonBae's square footsteps to the links below to watch today's episode of #SimplyKpop right now!! YT: youtube.com/watch?v=KDhpBs… VLIVE: vlive.tv/video/209946
It's August. It's the summer. It's hot. What do you need to beat out the heat and recharge on energy? Easy~ Watch #RocketPunch perform their refreshing stage of #JUICY on #SimplyKpop at 1pm KST today~ YES!
더위를 이기는 Tip 📑 마음이 새콤달콤 녹아내리는 ‘JUICY’🧃듣기! 태양도 녹일 에메랄드빛 눈부신 '로켓펀치'💍보기! 켓치들 마음켓치~~🥍 심플리 마음도 켓치한 로켓펀치 보러 갈래‼️ #로켓펀치 #RocketPunch #TWINKLE_STAR #JUICY #SimplyKpop
흐음.. 어떻게 설명할까..🤔 머라고 하지..🗳️ 그..그 있자나..👓 아 됐어됐어~~설명 필요없어!! 무.대.장.인.🏆 아..........🆗 드.림.캐.쳐.💫 썸냐~심플리로 무대장인 보러 가자🎵 #드림캐쳐 #Dreamcatcher #Dystopia #보카 #BOCA #SimplyKpop
+뽀나쓰으으으으으📸 더비랑 같이 보려고 준비했쬬💐 좋은 건 널리 널리💨예쁜 건 같이 같이🌞 말랑콥짝🐻+귀염켑짝🐱 (사진 확인하고 웃는 것 좀 봐여!!쏘..해피☀️) 해피한문배랑 심플리케이팝도 같이 봐여❣️ #더보이즈 #THEBOYZ #제이콥 #케빈 #JACOB #KEVIN #SimplyKpop
케콥에게 핸드폰을 주면 생기는일!!!!!!!!! 아니 진짜진짜진짜진짜진짜.. 말랑콥짝🍐 귀염켑짝🌙 어쩌면좋져🙀ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 그래 결심했어!! 핸드폰📱 재산💰......... 우리 케콥 다 줄테니까 평생 함께하자💝 #더보이즈 #THEBOYZ #제이콥 #케빈 #JACOB #KEVIN #SimplyKpop