SAC frantically trying to stop #SilentStrike and failing. Cowards and bullies don’t understand people don’t want them at all. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #OurCityOurCountryOurWill
We joined “Silent Strike” On #HumanRightsDay December 10. Against the military dictatorship to take back the lost Human Rights. #SilentStrike #OurCityOurRules #MilkTeaAllience #Dec10Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
‘37 years in jail’ (in total) for staying home and closing shop on #SilentStrike day. What an absurd. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
A massive peaceful civil disobedience is coming tomorrow in Myanmar with nationwide #SilentStrike.
People are spreading the message for December 10 #SilentStrike. Call your older relatives and make sure they know our message. Let’s show our unity to the world once again.
"တရားမဝင် ရွေးကောက်ပွဲကို တိုက်ဖျက်ကြ၊ တိတ်ဆိတ်မှုနဲ့ သက်သေပြ" “Crush the illegitimate elections, demonstrate with #SilentStrike#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#OurCityOurRuleOurWill Take a picture with three finger salute and post to your social media with hashtags #SilentStrike and #OurCityOurRuleOurWill. #Mar24SilenceStrike #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar…
SAC is threatening that they will punish if shops are closed tomorrow. This shows how SAC is failing hopelessly as they have no way of enforcing this. People can open or close shops as they want. There is no law that says otherwise. #SilentStrike
Video of Yangon and Mandalay being turned into ghost cities by massive #SilentStrike. People are displaying power and that they own the cities. #OurCityOurRuleOurWill #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Video credit to @AP @Coalporter
#OurCityOurRuleOurWill Take a picture with three finger salute and post to your social media with hashtags #SilentStrike and #OurCityOurRuleOurWill. #Mar24SilenceStrike #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar…
Myanmar Military threatened they would close the shops in these markets if they participated in #SilentStrike, but people defied them anyway. We want #AbolitionofMyanmarMilitary. News @MizzimaNews
A massive peaceful #SilentStrike has shut down entire country in Myanmar. People once again demonstrate power lies in the hands of the people - not the junta. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
The city of Mogok on #SilentStrike. Both small cities and big cities are defying against the junta. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #OurCityOurRuleOurWill
After Covid-19, governments around the world know very well how hard it is to ask people to simply stay at home. Look at what Myanmar people achieved today with a nationwide #SilentStrike. It’s such an amazing feat of human commitment and unity without using any coercive force.
According to Data for Myanmar, at least 150 cities participated in #SilentStrike. This is based on news reports and actual numbers could be higher. #OurCityOurRuleOurWill