#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 not his day! Still not a too bad score (81.59) and we are sure he will put out a great fight tomorrow! #GPFigure #GPEspoo
The top 3 Men after the SP at #GPEspoo #GPFigure: 1. #KevinAymoz 🇫🇷 88.96 2. #IliaMalinin 🇺🇸 85.57 3. #ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 81.59
Behind the scenes… current leader #TatsuyaTsuboi 🇯🇵 #壷井達也 watching and clapping on #ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 Great skates for both men!! 💪🏻
The top 3 Men after the SP at #GPEspoo #GPFigure: 🥇#IliaMalinin 🇺🇸 278.39 🥈#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 262.21 🥉#KevinAymoz 🇫🇷 255.69
🥈#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 262.21: “Yesterday I was really disappointed about my SP and today I was happy that I was able to skate clean. I didn’t believe I could still make it to the final but I am very happy I did.” #GPFigure #GPEspoo
Skaters coming off the ice after their Friday morning practice session! #SotaYamamoto 🇯🇵 #山本草太 #KaoMiura 🇯🇵 #三浦佳生 #IliaMalinin 🇺🇸 #ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿
#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 250.16 - had a grrat Free Skate once again! Congrats on a nice comeback! 💪🏻
◆速報記事◆【スケート部(フィギュア部門)】佐藤優勝! 大島、山隈も圧巻の演技で万雷の拍手に包まれる/特別国民体育大会冬季大会(写真:表彰式後の明大勢) meisupo.net/news/detail/14… #佐藤駿 #大島光翔 #山隈太一朗 #ShunSato #スタァ #国体
Happy Birthday 🎂 to Japan's 🇯🇵 #ShunSato #佐藤駿 — The #GPFigure Espoo 🥈! GS FanFest @ bit.ly/SatoS | The 19-year-old competes in his first #4ContsFigure this week! 👏🏻 He enjoys movies 🎦🍿, games 🎮, and the sauna 🧖‍♂️📷 2022-23 FS "Red Violin" #FigureSkating
A very happy #ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 talking to the Japanese press after a clean free skate - 259.14- this will take some beating! #4ContsFigure
The men’s results at #4ContsFigure 🥇#KaoMiura 🇯🇵 #三浦佳生 PB 281.53 🥈#KeeganMessing 🇨🇦 PB 275.57 🥉#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 259.14
【速報】 #佐藤駿 選手が #四大陸選手権 3位🥉👏 アメリカで行われた今大会🌍 SP6位から、FSで気迫のこもった圧巻の演技を披露し、演技後にはガッツポーズ💪見事に表彰台をつかみ取りました🐼✨💜 (写真は先月の国体のものです) #ShunSato
The men’s medalists at #4ContsFigure 👏🏻: 🥇#KaoMiura 🇯🇵 #三浦佳生 PB 281.53 🥈#KeeganMessing 🇨🇦 PB 275.57 🥉#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 259.14
🥉#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 259.14: “One year ago I was undergoing surgery. And right now a year later, I won the 3rd place in four continents. So I really want to show last year's me that I was able to do so much this year and still this season the short program is not consistent.”
“I was really happy to win the🥉 but I think it's thanks to Kao, I owe him that much because after the SP I was really down, and yesterday we spent some relaxing time together playing games. And he said, you know, we're going to be on the podium together!” 🥉#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿
“It really helped me get rid of the tension and I was able to relax, so I have to say thanks to Kao, and I look forward to competing against and with him, and we’ll improve each other and I hope we will have many of such occasions together in our career.” 🥉#ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿
On altitude: “We were watching the women's FS & despite all the conditions they were all putting on wonderful performances. So we said we have to keep up with that. Altitude is no excuse. I had to make sure I skated until the very end with my full energy.” #ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿
寝る前にこれだけは… 優しく穏やかに接するファンサの神。 駿くん。 最後に照明を暗くされてしまいましたが、暗い中でサインを。😌 #ShunSato #佐藤駿 #4ContsFigure
From a group interview with #ShunSato 🇯🇵 #佐藤駿 following his 🥉at #4ContsFigure: “I didn’t have the expectation to do that well this season but would like to keep the momentum for next season.” ⬇️⬇️