#ENHYPEN NEW THEME UPDATE 😘 신규 테마와 함께 추가된 신규 곡도 연주해봐요! 🎹 널 향한 내 마음을 소리쳐~ 가슴 뜨겁게 Shout out! 🎶 < D ver. - MANIFESTO : DAY 1 > #ShoutOut #엔하이픈 #RhythmHive #리듬하이브
🟢Spotify Weekly Top Songs K-Pop Global 200 (7/1 - 7/7) #ENHYPEN has the MOST SPOTS on Top K-Pop Global, with 17 songs! #25 - Polaroid Love⬆️ (+5) #26 - #FuturePerfect 🆕 #37 - FEVER⬆️ (+7) #47 - #ShoutOut 🆕 #48 - #EN_TFW 🆕 (Cont. below)
#ShoutOut to the first person to buy my NFT when I was JUST starting on Twitter @hahaWomanchild. I hope that NFT is worth a lot one day fren. #love twitter.com/bodegacatgirls…
#ShoutOut has surpassed 22M streams on Spotify! 1/6: 131,140 1/7: 145,430 1/8: 182,125⬆️🚀 TOTAL: 22,173,147 @ENHYPEN_members 🟢These are Shout Out’s highest Daily Streams since it’s 8th day of release! 💥Streams have increased with 50K since GDA!👏🔥 open.spotify.com/playlist/58jd9…
#ShoutOut’s streams on Spotify have increased with 14K after @ENHYPEN’s live performance at the GDAs!👏🔥 Day 185: 120,047 Day 186: 123,229 Day 187: 131,140 Day 188: 145,430⬆️ TOTAL: 21,991,022 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/58jd9…
[📢] INFO SHOUT OUT was covered by P.O.PPY during the audition program "The Idol Band: Boy's Battle". P.O.PPY won this round of competition. cr. yuliskarmiyati #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #ShoutOut @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
Spotify South Korea 🇰🇷 Top 200 (7/4) #FuturePerfect is the Highest New Entry on Top Songs South Korea at #103!! #89⬆️ - Polaroid Love #103 - #FuturePerfect🆕 #161 - #EN_TFW 🆕 #173 - #ShoutOut 🆕 #181 - #Paradoxxxinvasion @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN
#ShoutOut has been added to Spotify’s Official Playlist “Lagi Viral” at #25!! 🔥👏 ‼️Let’s try to get it higher & make it VIRAL!! 🎧Pls STREAM IT from here, & then exit the Playlist!! 🟢You can alternate listening from Curated & Focused Playlists! open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
Hello, @GoldenDisc_en - we noticed that you didn’t include all of the songs ENHYPEN performed in the TITLE for their performance on YouTube! PLEASE ADD #FuturePerfect & #ShoutOut in the Title & Description of their performance video on YouTube!! 🖇️youtu.be/ijvdl_cFL20
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 b-sides on Spotify (7/5) 📌DAY 2: ⏺#ShoutOut- 899,077 streams (+426,425🔻) ⏺#EN_TFW - 894,520 streams (+421,527🔻) ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion - 795,061 streams (+351,778🔻) ⏺#Foreshadow- 672,336 streams (+294,930🔻) ⏺#Walk_The_Line-495,971 streams (211,266🔻)
Spotify South Korea 🇰🇷 Top 200 (7/5) #FuturePerfect is the biggest gainer on Top Songs South Korea, up 42 spots at #61!🔥👏 🟢#61 - #FuturePerfect - 4,489 streams #92 - PL #132⬆️ (+29) - #EN_TFW  #150⬆️ (+23) - #ShoutOut #186🔻- #Paradoxxxinvasion  open.spotify.com/track/6PRy17C5…
Hello, @GoldenDisc_en - we noticed that you didn’t include all of the songs ENHYPEN performed in the TITLE for their performance on YouTube! PLEASE ADD #FuturePerfect & #ShoutOut in the Title & Description of their performance video on YouTube!! 🖇️youtu.be/ijvdl_cFL20
Spotify Philippines 🇵🇭 Top 200 (7/4) #43 - #EN_TFW 🆕 - 103,290 streams #44 - #ShoutOut 🆕 - 102,966 streams #53 - #FuturePerfect 🆕 - 91,128 streams #54 - #Paradoxxxinvasion 🆕- 86,985 streams #74 - #Foreshadow 🆕 - 69,302 streams (cont. below) open.spotify.com/playlist/6ojoY…
🎧데뷔 2주년맞이 스밍총공이벤트❤️ 수록곡 맛집 엔하이픈붐은 온다 #엔하이픈붐업스밍리스트 ✅️갓수록곡모음+미니3집 #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #Polaroid_Love #ShoutOut #Fever #OneInABillion #몰랐어 #UpperSideDreamin #LetMeIn ☑️음질AAC 🔀전체반복재생⭕️ #엔하이픈_데뷔2주년_역주행레쭈고
#ShoutOut has surpassed 1M streams on Spotify!🎤🥳 Day 1: 472,652 Day 2: 426,425 Day 3: 343,171🔻 TOTAL: 1,242,248 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members ‼️ENGENES, have you added all the #MANIFESTO_DAY1 songs to your playlists?? Make sure you do!🙏 🎧🔗open.spotify.com/playlist/2vdim…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (1/9) ⏺Total streams: 1,471,984,225 🟢Daily streams: 2,353,682⬆️ (+86K) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 6,134,693⬆️ (+15K) 🗳️Followers: 4,866,879 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN ‼️🎧You can use our NEWEST #ShoutOut Focused Playlist to stream⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/4f2Xy…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 b-sides on Spotify (7/7) 📌DAY 4: ⏺#ShoutOut - 1,533,481 (+291,233🔻) ⏺#EN_TFW - 1,532,102 (+291,356🔻) ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion - 1,286,181 (+222,173🔻) ⏺#Foreshadow - 1,077,299 (+184,659🔻) ⏺#Walk_The_Line - 777,625 (+125,512🔻)
#ShoutOut by @ENHYPEN has already surpassed 9M streams on Spotify. All full tracks from #ManifestoDay1 has surpassed 9M streams each! 09/21 - 9,112,634 (+137,583) @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 open.spotify.com/track/5Z2DNRAh…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 b-sides on Spotify (7/8) 📌DAY 5: ⏺#EN_TFW  - 1,785,050 (+252,948🔻) ⏺#ShoutOut - 1,783,024 (+249,543🔻) ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion  - 1,472,272 (+186,091🔻) ⏺#Foreshadow - 1,232,883 (+155,584🔻) ⏺#Walk_The_Line - 881,596 (+103,971🔻)
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 b-sides on Spotify (7/6) 📌DAY 3: ⏺#ShoutOut - 1,242,248 (+343,171🔻) ⏺#EN_TFW  - 1,240,746 (+346,226🔻) ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion  - 1,064,008 (+268,947🔻) ⏺#Foreshadow - 892,640 (+220,304🔻) ⏺#Walk_The_Line - 652,113 (+156,142🔻)
#ShoutOut Spotify Streams (2/5) 🚀These are SHOUT OUT’s HIGHEST Daily Streams since its 6th DAY of Release!!🤯 1/30: 165,499 1/31: 165,341 2/1: 170,167 2/2: 177,172 2/3: 185,942 2/4: 193,333 2/5: 204,823🚀🔥 TOTAL: 26,776,176 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/4f2Xy…
Spotify Philippines 🇵🇭 Top 200 (7/5) #44⬆️ (+9) - #FuturePerfect - 102,866 streams #50🔻- #ShoutOut - 94,967 streams #52🔻- #EN_TFW  - 91,753 streams #70🔻- #Paradoxxxinvasion  - 73,203 streams open.spotify.com/playlist/2vdim…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 b-sides on Spotify (7/10) 📌DAY 7: ⏺#EN_TFW  - 2,201,935 (+200,105🔻) ⏺#ShoutOut - 2,186,682 (+191,210🔻) ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion    - 1,757,244 (+133,353🔻) ⏺#Foreshadow - 1,481,082 (+117,171🔻) ⏺#Walk_The_Line - 1,043,571 (+75,711🔻)
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 on Spotify (7/4) 📌 DAY 1: ⏺#FuturePerfect- 642,549 streams ⏺#EN_TFW - 472,993 streams ⏺#ShoutOut - 472,652 streams ⏺#Paradoxxxinvasion - 443,283 streams ⏺#Foreshadow - 377,406 streams ⏺#Walk_The_Line - 284,705 streams tinyurl.com/tdpt2k33