// SawanoHiroyuki[nZk] 5th ALBUM『V』 IS OUT TODAY🎉 \\ Look out for the gorgeous guest vocalists 💿 #ASKA #XAI #JunkiKono#ShoYonashiro (#JO1) #suis (from #Yorushika#HonokaTakahashi #MotohiroHata #mizuki #Laco #ReN Download&Streaming are now available🎧
🎧CD info🎧 SawanoHiroyuki[nZk]’s 11th Single ”#OUTSIDERS” is OUT TODAY! “OUTSIDERS” is the ending song of the TV anime “Fanfare of Adolescence” and #JukiKono and #ShoYonashiro (#JO1) are singing as gust vocalists. Please check it out⚡ #群フフ #澤野弘之
A part of the making of the music video "#OUTSIDERS" which collaboraborated with #JunkiKono and #ShoYonashiro from #JO1 is now available on Spotify Canvas. *Apologize for the spelling mistake for “ Sho Yonashiro” ▼Spotify open.spotify.com/track/2p8RSh9u…