━━━✨━━━ 👩‍🔬情報解禁💨  ━━━🎉━━━ #科捜研の女 新シリーズ📺テレビ放送決定👏 🔟月スタート❗️木曜よる8⃣時 #劇場版 で残された謎に、新たな展開が⁉️ そして #マリコ が…😵 激動の #Season21 が始まります! tv-asahi.co.jp/kasouken21/ 劇場版を観ると、テレビを2倍楽しめます😄ぜひ‼️
Dear Detectives, explore the wonders of the old Roman baths and seek to find your inner peace. Somewhere in the mist is Professor Luchino, embodying the Holy Roman Emperor. Check out the Season 21 Essence 1!👑 #IdentityV #Season21 #Essence
┌─🌟初心者大歓迎🎉─┐   ⏰1分で分かる‼️ #科捜研の女 スペシャルPR    💣爆誕💨 └────────────┘ #科捜研 の魅力をグっと凝縮して、 1⃣分にまとめてみました🔥 これを観たら、科捜研の全てが分かる⁉️ 10月14日から始まる #Season21 の前に 是非📝チェックしてください😄
Dear Detectives, ride your luck on these wonderful essences as we take a look at the brand new Season 21 Essence 2! Check out the Doctor's Crapshooter, Novelist's Highroller and "Nightmare" Roulette!🎰🎲 #IdentityV #Season21 #Essence
Dear Detectives, what stands between the fine line of life and death? Take your chances and let the cards fall as we submit to our eternal desires! Check out the Season 21 Essence 2! 🍷🎲 #IdentityV #Season21 #Essence
Dear Detectives, do you have the Ace of spades hidden up your sleeves? Muster all your luck and take a chance on the Season 21 Essence 2! Check out the Doctor's Risktaker, Novelist's Highroller and "Nightmare" Roulette costumes!♠️🃏 #IdentityV #Season21 #Essence
/ 📢#劇場版 からの刺客⁉️ ✨佐津川愛美、第2話出演決定🎉 \ ⏰今夜8時スタートの #Season21 では、 第1話の倉橋に引き続き 📽️劇場版からの人物が続々登場します💨 第2⃣話ではなんと、 #佐津川愛美 さん演じる 疑惑のリケジョ👩‍🔬秦美穂子が再登場‼️ マリコとの対決をお見逃しなく🔥 #科捜研の女
Dear Detectives, cascade into momentary bliss when you get in touch with the Season 21 Essence 1! Check out the Wax Artist's Shower, Dancer's Aromatherapy and Professor's Spring Heated Wine from Ancient Greece. All will be available from April 28! #IdentityV #Season21 #Essence
Dear Detectives, the latest Season 21 Rank treasures are here! Let's take a look at these wonderful accessories together! The Dream Witch's Beckoning, Painter's Scheele's Green and Naiad's Deepsea Artifact. Whose are you most excited for? #IdentityV #Season21 #Treasure
Dear Detectives, there's a feast being prepared and you are invited! Chance upon this gathering of wonderment and check out the Season 21 Essence! All will be available from April 28!🤤 #IdentityV #Season21 #Essence