[❤️#SarangHEEland] 4 days to go! 2 Lampost banners for #Heeseung are now up! Time to check everything and prepare for their arrival in the Philippines.❤️Are you ready? Take a photo and share your excitement with Enhypen's Funmeet in Manila. #ENHYPENwithBYSPH @ENHYPEN_members
[❤️#SarangHEEland] In line with ENHYPEN x BYS FUNMEET, two lamp post banners are prepared for #Heeseung! Let’s greet him a warm Welcome to PH 🤗 Enjoy this experience Filo Engenes! See you on December 03. Let's get it! Take a 📸 #희승 #ENHYPENwithBYSPH @ENHYPEN_members