#NORAD F-18 fighters near Oceana, Virginia just spotted #Santa heading north!
Children who live in Scotland better get to bed as soon as possible because #Santa is on the way! #NORAD radars just spotted “Big Red One” over Edinburgh.
#Santa is visiting one of the oldest cities in the United States, Providence, Rhode Island! #NORAD
#Santa is now over Exeter, England. The city is on the River Exe, about 37 miles (60 km) northeast of Plymouth, and 70 miles (110 km)...
#Santa is really moving! The sleigh just flew through Europe's largest city, Moscow @ goo.gl/qSwk
#Santa almost hit a moose while skimming over Rindge, New Hampshire. Good thing he’s a great pilot!
#Santa gives Yuletide speech to elves - "Proud of what you do. Today is the day we spread cheer across the globe." #NORADSanta
#Santa is in the middle of his visit to the Caribbean. What a change of weather from the North Pole! #NORAD ow.ly/glkJK
It’s time for bed if you’re in #Japan, because #Santa is passing over Sapporo right now! Sapporo is world-famous for it’s incredible snow festival every year! I wonder where Santa will fly next?? #NORADTracksSanta noradsanta.org (Desktop browsers only)
#Santa is busy delivering gifts across South America right now! He was last seen in #Ecuador! Where do you think he’ll fly to next? Call us at 1-877-HI-NORAD watch Santa’s flight at noradsanta.org! #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is flying over Winnipeg, Canada now! Think he has time for a Jets game? #NORAD
The jolly old guy is back in the United States over Erie, Pennsylvania! #Santa #NORAD
4.5 Billion presents delivered so far! #NORAD #Santa
#NORAD is tracking Santa as he arrives in New Zealand! Keep tracking with NORAD to find out where #Santa is headed next at noradsanta.org youtube.com/watch?v=UycVDD…
#Santa was just seen flying down the Green Water Boulevard in Astana, Kazakhstan! #NORAD
#NORAD has tracked #Santa and he is making his way to #Ghana, #Africa. Want to know where Santa is headed next? Give us a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD or visit our website at noradsanta.org.
#Santa seen over Japan & South Korea! #NORADSanta
#Santa has delivered 4.6 Billion Presents! #NORAD
Irony! #Santa just left Christmas Island! #NORAD #NORADTracksSanta noradsanta.org
If you live in or near Perth, Australia, you better get to bed as #Santa was seen heading in your direction. Want to know where Santa is, give us a call at 1-877-HI-NORAD. #NORADTracksSanta
As #Santa stops to deliver gifts over #California, we want to send a special thank you to the incredible first responders who continue to work on the wildfires across the state. We are thinking of you and thankful for everything you do! #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa was spotted near Knoxville, #Tennessee. Children in and near the area need to get to bed now! If you are awake, Santa knows, and he will pass by your house...but don't worry, he will come back when you are asleep. Want to know where he is headed, call us at 1-877-HI-NORAD.
Rudolph's bright nose was seen over Berlin! North American Aerospace Defense Command satellite capabilities can track the nose's heat signature. #Santa must be in Germany. youtube.com/watch?v=PoGKmY…