#Santa is busy delivering gifts across South America right now! He was last seen in #Ecuador! Where do you think he’ll fly to next? Call us at 1-877-HI-NORAD watch Santa’s flight at noradsanta.org! #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa has made it to the East Coast and delivered gifts across Florida, Georgia and NYC! Be sure to be in bed so he doesn't fly past your home! Call us to learn where he's flying next! 1-877-HI-NORAD #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is heading towards New Hampshire right now and has delivered more than 5.1 billion presents so far. Happy Holidays from all of us at #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is heading south towards Cancun, Mexico, before he heads back up to the U.S. again arriving in New Orleans, La. If you live near New Orleans, better get to bed soon so Santa can visit. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is in Illinois now. If you live in Chicago, you need to get to bed so Santa can visit you. #HeOnlyVisitsYouWhenYouAreAsleep
He's crossed Mississippi and Missouri, and now #Santa is delivering gifts in #Chicago, also known as "The Windy City!" #NORAD is busy keeping up with Rudolph's infrared nose to make sure we have the precise location of Santa at all times! #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa has made his way north to our neighbors in Calgary, Alberta, #Canada! This city hosted the 1988 Winter Olympics and ultimately inspired the 1993 film about Jamaica's bobsled team, "Cool Runnings!" One of Santa's favorites! #NORADTracksSanta
As #Santa stops to deliver gifts over #California, we want to send a special thank you to the incredible first responders who continue to work on the wildfires across the state. We are thinking of you and thankful for everything you do! #NORADTracksSanta
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!" #Santa is on his way back to the North Pole, and we look forward to tracking him again next year! #NORADTracksSanta
#NORAD is a bi-national command comprised of U.S. and Canadian service members. We track #Santa together to ensure his safety. Do you know how NORAD first started tracking Santa? See the history and more at noradsanta.org.
Hey Santa Trackers - did you know #Santa, his reindeer and elf friends answer children's FAQ's under "The Crew Answers?" at noradsanta.org. This capability is just one of several ways @Adobe uses emerging technology to help us track Santa every year! #NORADTracksSanta
See how #NORAD started tracking #Santa in 1955! noradsanta.org, go to NORAD HQ and click Secret Santa files. How would the world Track Santa without NORAD Tracks Santa?
Want to know where #Santa is on Dec 24th? Call us tomorrow at 1-877-446-6723 or e-mail noradtrackssanta@outlook.com to talk to a live #NORAD Santa tracker! We answer our first call at 6 a.m. EST. noradsanta.org
Thanks to our superstar partners for their support & hard work for #NORADSanta. We couldn't do it without you! Not long now! Join us tomorrow at noradsanta.org & follow along as #Santa brings gifts to believers around the globe.
On Dec. 24, track #Santa with Kid's Place Live on Sirius XM channel 78! Kid's Place Live is Satellite Radio's original, interactive destination for families all across North America with kids 10 and under. Learn more at kidsplacelive.com #NORADTracksSanta
People often ask how #NORAD tracks #Santa on Dec 24th. We use infrared sensors from Rudolph's nose to determine Santa's exact location throughout the night. To talk to a NORAD Santa Tracker, call 1-877-HI-NORAD. noradsanta.org #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa's sleigh gets loaded with goodies for all the believers. #NORAD pilots can't wait until they get to fly with the big guy! #NORADTracksSanta
DSP Satellite Tracking #Santa. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa is seen flying over #Japan! Children in Japan, you need to get to bed as Santa is nearby. #NORADTracksSanta
Better get to bed if you're in Japan because #Santa is delivering presents in Tokyo right now. Wanna know where he's headed next? Call #NORAD at 1-877-446-6723. #NORADTracksSanta
#Santa and his reindeer have been spotted flying near the Great Wall of China. Did you know? Although the official number of the length of the Great Wall is 5500 miles, the length of all the Great Wall built over thousands of years is estimated at 13,170 miles. #NORADTracksSanta