Mingyu today at Chanel event 🖤 #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
220802 Mingyu at the opening of N°1 DE CHANEL GARDEN’ event #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 #MINGYU
/ ㊗️オリコンウィークリーランキング1位🎉✨ \ オリコン週間アルバムランキングにて「#SECTOR17 」が1位を獲得しました😭🎊 S.COUPSからメッセージも到着💁‍♀️ 是非ご覧ください🎵 seventeen-17.jp/posts/informat… CARAT💎の皆様、いつも応援ありがとうございます❣️ #SEVENTEEN  #SVT_WORLD    #_WORLD twitter.com/oricon/status/…
mubeatで音楽中心の事前投票が始まりました‼️ beatsたくさん貯めてた方ぜひ投票をお願いします‼️ (多分次の韓国カムバには今貯めてるものは使えないと思うので、ライブ投票分を残して投票し切ってもいいと思います。) #セブチ #SVT_WORLD [Ep. 774] Global Pre Voting mubeat.page.link/J4su
220802 marieclaire IG story update with Mingyu #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 #MINGYU
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-08-03 01:00 KST #42 Bugs (+16) *chart freeze* #52 Genie (-6) *chart freeze* #58 FLO (+2) #66 MelOn Top100 *24hits system* #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
📺 GOING SEVENTEEN 2022 EP 56 HASHTAG 📺 What kind of episode will Seventeen show us today? Let's use these hashtags later! 👇 👉 : SEVENTEEN THE SANTA #.GOSE_ChristmasInAugust #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 ⏰ : 8 PM KST, AUG 3
🇯🇵 Billboard JAPAN [ 2022/08/03 公開 ] #SECTOR17 🥇#1 Hot Albums 🥇#1 Top Album Sales #41 Download Albums #SVT_WORLD #24 Streaming Songs #30 Hot 100 #세븐틴 @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp
[TRENDS] Carats and Cubics, in an hour, another episode of Going SEVENTEEN will be released! It is now the time to use our tags below ^^ 🥰 What is your wish for SVT this Christmas? SEVENTEEN THE SANTA #GOSE_ChristmasInAugust #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
📺 GOING SEVENTEEN 2022 EP 56 HASHTAG 📺 What kind of episode will Seventeen show us today? Let's use these hashtags later! 👇 👉 : SEVENTEEN THE SANTA #GOSE_ChristmasInAugust #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 ⏰ : NOW!
#SEVENTEEN | Circle (GAON) Digital Chart 2022 Week 31 #19 #SVT_WORLD [-15] — 12,492,638 points (35,988,744 total) #55 #SVT_HOT [-8] — 7,075,300 points (91,172,360 total) #103 Darl+ing [-6] — 3,793,627 points (70,936,956 total) #세븐틴 @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD is nominated today!! 🤍
220804 Seventeen is nominated for 1stplace on MCountdown this is our chance to break the 4-win curse pls join in the live voting now. we need a big gap! 📎mnetplus.world/community/vote… #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
📢M カウントダウン #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD  1位候補に上がりました‼️ ライブ投票にご協力お願いします🙇‍♀️‼️ 🔗 mnetplus.world/community/vote… 1アカウントにつき1票 なるべく早く投票ご参加ください! #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 #セブチ twitter.com/svt_banzai/sta…
#SEVENTEEN 4th Album Repackage 'SECTOR 17' has surpassed 1,350,000 (1.35M) copies sold on Hanteo. #SVT_WORLD #SECTOR17 @pledis_17
220804 exclusivefairytale update with Jun #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
220804 Seventeen won 1st place on Mcountdown with _World! Congrats!!! finally broke the 4win curse! thank u to all the carats who worked hard👏💘 #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD5thWin #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
_WORLD 5TH WIN 😭🔥 CONGRATS SEVENTEEN 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 THANK YOU CARATS !!! 4-win curse goodbye 👋 #_WORLD5thWin #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
Congratulation carats, WE BREAK THE 4-YEAR CURSE!! It's time to celebrate 1st place on today's Mcountdown #_WORLD5thWin, thank you so much for @pledis_17 & Carats hardwork. Pat pat yourself because you doing so greet!! 🔥🔥 #SEVENTEEN #SVT_WORLD
Seventeen and _WORLD wins 1st place on today's MCountdown. Congratulations to Seventeen and Carats for bringing the trophy and for winning _WORLD's 5th win this comeback! #SECTOR17 #_WORLD5thWin 🏆✨ #_WORLD  #SVT_WORLD
2022 WORLD TOUR <BE THE SUN> in SEOUL Behind Sketch #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
#SEVENTEEN’s "_WORLD" has surpassed 500,000 unique listeners on MelOn. It is their 45th song to reach this mark. #SVT_WORLD #세븐틴 @pledis_17