🇯🇵 JAPAN LINE MUSIC | 2022-07-25 02:00 JST #3 #SVT_WORLD (+3) *146 hours at #1 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
#SEVENTEEN 's "_WORLD" has surpassed 300,000 unique listeners on MelOn. It is their 82nd song to reach this mark. #SVT_WORLD #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[BILLBOARD] Hot Trending Songs Chart Daily Version (=) #1 #_WORLD with 254,211 mentions (+16,375 down by 27k from yesterday) Last 7 Days Version 🔺 #1 _World with 1,708,137 mention (+253,111 down by 157k) #SEVENTEEN  #세븐틴  @pledis_17 #SVT_WORLD
🚨we only got 377k in 16 hours 🚨 we aren’t safe from the sns points just yet, they can also mass stream at any moment. please stream !! tracking for inkigayo ends at 12pm kst today !! #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
220725 Jeonghan for SPUR magazine 🔥 #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 #정한
[#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS] SEVENTEEN 4th Album Repackage 「SECTOR 17」OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE SEVENTEEN Weverse Shop JAPANにて販売スタート! 詳しくはこちら→ seventeen-17.jp/posts/informat… #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD
#LINEMUSIC 引き続き1位を獲得🎊✨ \ #SEVENTEEN         4th Album Repackage 「#SECTOR17  」 LINE MUSICのソング&アルバムTop100で本日も1位です🎵 配信スタートから1週間、皆さまありがとうございます🙇‍♀️❣️ 引き続きお楽しみください💁‍♀️ lin.ee/aIgo7FN #SVT_WORLD   #_WORLD
[17'S] '_WORLD' is available now on @amazonmusic. You can listen to it here: music.amazon.com/playlists/B088… #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD
#SEVENTEEN's "_WORLD" debuts at #56 on MelOn Weekly Chart. #SVT_WORLD #세븐틴 @pledis_17
#SEVENTEEN's "Darl+ing" re-enters MelOn Weekly Chart at #94. #SVT_WORLD #세븐틴 @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD | Daily Charts [2022-07-24] #38 Bugs (+5) #53 Melon (+11) #76 Genie (+11) #96 Vibe (+4) MelOn Daily unique listeners — 101,692 (+6,811) #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
220725 Moonbin IG update with Seungkwan #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 #승관
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-07-25 22:00 KST #20 Bugs (+5) #28 MelOn Top100 (+1) #40 Genie (+3) #41 FLO (+1) #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-07-26 00:00 KST #30 MelOn Top100 (-1) #33 Genie (+3) #39 Bugs (-2) #41 FLO (=) #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
#SECTOR17 | Hanteo Update 20220725 Week 1 — 1,126,104 Day 8 — 72,852 Total: 1,198,956 copies #SVT_WORLD #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-07-26 01:00 KST #27 Genie (+6) *chart freeze* #31 Bugs (+8) *chart freeze* #42 FLO (-1) #54 MelOn Top100 *24hits system* #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#_WORLD VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 41,010,601 ❤️‍🔥 We're doing great, Carats! 🎉 Fighting for 2nd week tracking period! Let's break another record!! FIGHTING!!! 🔥🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/VCDWg0ljbFQ #SVT_WORLD #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
220726 Scoups as the new model for the brand 'Some By Mi' 📎slist.kr/news/articleVi… #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
DK will be one of the artists to feature in musical actor Kai's upcoming album 'Kai on Musical' (the two worked together in Xcalibur). To be released on August 16 📎newdaily.co.kr/site/data/html… 📎newsis.com/view/?id=NISX2… #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
[HANTEO WEEKS 4th OF JULY] Weekly physical record chart #1 #SECTOR17 1,632,850 copies Weekly authentication chart #5 SECTOR17 #8 #FaceTheSun For authentication chart, please scan the barcode in the album, if u didnt have whosfan you can check below👇 #SEVENTEEN #SVT_WORLD