#SEVENTEEN's "_WORLD" has surpassed 200,000 unique listeners on MelOn. It is their 107th song to reach this mark. #SVT_WORLD #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#_WORLD VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 21,034,195❤️‍🔥 _World has already reached 21M views on YouTube! Let's continue streaming properly and reach more milestones! Don't forget to like & Shazam the song! 🎵 ▶️ youtu.be/VCDWg0ljbFQ #SVT_WORLD #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
🇯🇵 JAPAN LINE MUSIC | 2022-07-22 15:00 JST #1 #SVT_WORLD (=) *90th hour at #1 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-07-22 16:00 KST #26 MelOn Top100 (=) #40 Genie (-1) #44 FLO (-2) #35 Bugs (+34) MelOn 24-hour unique listeners — 105,612 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#_WORLD VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 22,051,875❤️‍🔥 Go go go, Carats! We're at 22M views for _World!! 🤩 Let's keep this energy up & reach our goal! Don't forget to like & Shazam the song! 🎵 ▶️ youtu.be/VCDWg0ljbFQ #SVT_WORLD #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
Jeonghan & The8 on Return of Superman- 6:00 PM KST link: youtu.be/16NQsMnLsSc #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17 twitter.com/garats17/statu…
[#_WORLD VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 23,087,701 🥳 You're on fire, Carats! 🔥 23M views now for _World!! 🤩 Don't stop now! Let's keep on streaming!! Please also like & Shazam the song! 🎵 ▶️ youtu.be/VCDWg0ljbFQ #SVT_WORLD #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-07-22 18:00 KST #31 MelOn Top100 (-3) #36 Bugs (+20) #41 Genie (-4) #45 FLO (-1) MelOn 24-hour unique listeners — 106,260 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
ending fairies 😂❤️ #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
#SVT_WORLD music bank ending fairies 😆🫶🏻
awwwwwww minghao made him blush hahahah 🥰😭💕 he’s so good with children #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
220722 뮤직뱅크 중간출근 꾸깃꾸깃😙 녀석 어디서 좋은잠을 자고 왔나보군 #SEVENTEEN    #세븐틴     #에스쿱스 #SCOUPS #승철 #SECTOR17     #_WORLD    #SVT_WORLD
they’ll be back next week!! #세븐틴 #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
🇯🇵 JAPAN LINE MUSIC | 2022-07-22 18:00 JST #1 #SVT_WORLD (=) *93rd hour at #1 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[🖥/#K_Choreo8K_HDR] 8K Full 직캠을 지금 바로 확인하세요! SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) <_WORLD> ▶︎youtu.be/8FIqpnlta54 #뮤직뱅크 #StudioK #8K #8K풀직캠 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SECTOR17 #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17
220722 뮤직뱅크 퇴근 👀👥🗣머야(수근수근)👀👥🗣👤 복숭아🍑가 직립보행 해도 돼?(수근수근) -최승철 딱복파 #SEVENTEEN     #세븐틴      #에스쿱스 #SCOUPS #승철 #SECTOR17      #_WORLD     #SVT_WORLD
#SVT_WORLD | 2022-07-22 19:00 KST #34 MelOn Top100 (-3) #31 Bugs (+5) #45 Genie (-4) #45 FLO (=) MelOn 24-hour unique listeners — 106,531 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
woo to the young to the woo dong to the geu to the rami SVT tiktok updates: HS SK📎tiktok.com/@seventeen17_o… HS JS📎tiktok.com/@seventeen17_o… HS MG📎tiktok.com/@seventeen17_o… HS WZ📎tiktok.com/@seventeen17_o… #SEVENTEEN #_WORLD #SVT_WORLD @pledis_17