[#HOT OFFICIAL TEASER 1 VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 897,009 🔥 Wow we’re on fire, Carats! After 13 hours, we’re at 897k views already. We can almost reach our goal and even surpass it! Keep streaming! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/huGat5PO0lM #FacetheSun #SVT_HOT #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
#SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 'HOT' Official Teaser 1 has surpassed 1,000,000 views on youtube. 🔗 Youtube: youtu.be/huGat5PO0lM 🔗 TikTok: tiktok.com/@seventeen17_o… 🔗 Pre-save: ingrv.es/FacetheSun_Dig… #FacetheSun #HOT #SVT_HOT @pledis_17
ウジさんの課題提出する!! 推しの声がずっと聞こえてるからか めちゃくちゃはかどって草すぎた☺️長い☺️ #SVT_AUDIO_KIT #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_HOT
[#HOT OFFICIAL TEASER 1 VIEWS UPDATE] Current views: 1,212,561 views 🔥 Congratulations, Carats! We achieved our goal for the first teaser!! Let’s aim for another 1.2M views in the next! 🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/huGat5PO0lM #FacetheSun #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 'HOT' Official Teaser 2 ▶ youtu.be/3Den0-8v9YA ☀ 2022.05.27 1PM (KST) ☀ 2022.05.27 0AM (ET) #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FacetheSun #HOT #SVT_HOT
Carats, the cb is fast approaching! Make sure to sign up for iTunes funding so that we can achieve all our iTunes goals. We will begin distributing fund on cb day so sign up early! #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17 #SVT_HOT twitter.com/WorldwideCarat…
CARATs! Today is our 2nd power check on Stationhead with @svt_applemusic and @17stationhead @ 9 AM KST to help push #Darling ahead of #FaceTheSun! We ask for you participation and please spread the word, see you there 🔥 #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
[#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS] SEVENTEEN 4th Album 「Face the Sun」ラッキードローイベント実施決定! 詳しくはこちら→ seventeen-17.jp/posts/informat… #FacetheSun #HOT #SVT_HOT
#SEVENTEEN がワイルドな色気と成熟さで魅了…ファッション誌の個別カットが到着!【PHOTO】 #세븐틴 #FacetheSun #SVT_HOT #HOT sportsseoulweb.jp/star_topic/id=…
[SCHEDULE] @pledis_17 “Face the Sun” comeback show will be broadcasted on Naver Now on 5/28 @ 7 PM KST. Carats can click the link below to set a reminder for the show or download the app (English subs included). Remember to tune in everyone! #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_HOT twitter.com/kr_now/status/…
[COMEBACK] WWC FUNDS REPORT PayPal Donations: $3,271.81 Gcash Donations: 13,227.91 PHP ($252.81) Total Funds Collected: $3,524.62 Carats, we’ve reached our fundraising goals 🎉🎉🎉 Thank you to everyone who donated! #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17 #SVT_HOT
[COMEBACK] Europe YouTube Project We are very close to reaching our goal for our Europe YouTube Ads with the European fbs. Carats, you can still donate here if possible! 🔗 paypal.com/pools/c/8K5FLO… #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17 #SVT_HOT
🚨 Carats‼️ We will close the Volunteers' forms for streaming and MelOn downloads in less than 3 hours (23:59PM KST)! If you are interested please fill out the form ASAP‼️Let's make this comeback as powerful as ever🔥 @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SVT_HOT #17DigitalStreaming twitter.com/icarat_ksuppor…
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 'HOT' Official MV YouTube Premieres Open🔥 ▶️ youtu.be/gRnuFC4Ualw ☀ 2022.05.27 1PM (KST) ☀ 2022.05.27 0AM (ET) #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FacetheSun #HOT #SVT_HOT
[COMEBACK] Carats, the premiere for Hot MV is now open! Make sure to set the reminder for it using the link below! Attending the premiere is a great way to increase our views early. See you there! #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17 #SVT_HOT twitter.com/pledis_17/stat…
最後さりげなくスライドするドギョム🍕 終わるか終わらないかで座るジョンハン👼 ひとりだけ違う動きして可愛すぎるハオ🐸 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #TEAMSVT #SVT_HOT
🎊 COMEBACK DAY CELEBRATION HASHTAG🎊 Are we all ready for the comeback?! YES WE ARE! Join us today as we use these corresponding hashtags! 👇 👉: SEVENTEEN COMEBACK DAY! #.SVT_FACETHESUN #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17 ⏰: May 26, 11 PM KST
🎊 COMEBACK DAY CELEBRATION HASHTAG🎊 Alright! ONE HOUR to go and its comeback day! Check out all the goals and notes! Lastly, use these hashtags right now! 👇 👉: SEVENTEEN COMEBACK DAY! #SVT_FACETHESUN #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17 ⏰: NOW!
[TRENDS] How are you Carats? 😊 It is finally D-day 🔥 Let's show our anticipation and support by using the tags below 🔥 👉 Are you excited? 🥳 SEVENTEEN COMEBACK DAY! #SVT_FACETHESUN #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
COMEBACK IN 14 HOURS 😭🔥 In preparation, I made an instagram filter for Carats to use :)) 🔗 instagram.com/ar/11106894364… Let’s do our best this comeback! #SVT_FACETHESUN #SVT_HOT #세븐틴 @pledis_17
You can start following our focused playlists NOW! 🔥☀️ We will fill them with brand new songs from #FaceTheSun as soon as it is out. Remember that you CAN use playlists for streaming on Spotify even upon release. @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #HOT #SVT_HOT
[COMEBACK] Make sure to pre-save our playlists in advance. They will be filed out after #FaceTheSun premiere and focused on #SVT_HOT. Let's achieve our goals together! 🔗: open.spotify.com/playlist/27MT5… 🔗: open.spotify.com/playlist/5Vge3… #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17
New hashflag has arrived! #SVT_HOT #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 @pledis_17