[BILLBOARD JAPAN HOT 100 TASK] Dont forget to add 🌐💎 on your dn‼️ Seventeen members hometown + @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17jp Go carats!!
[BILLBOARD JAPAN HOT 100] Ready to dream with Seventeen, Carats? Let us participate and help each other to reach another goal! 🌐 Take note of the following 💙 @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_DREAM
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN Japan 1st EP - 'DREAM' Press Conference (9) 🙇🏻‍♀️
@pledis_17 [#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN JAPAN 1st EP "DREAM" placed 1st on Billboard Japan's "HOT ALBUMS" and 2nd on the "DOWNLOAD ALBUMS" chart!! 🤍
[MASS VOTING SCHEDULE] Carats! Take note of our latest mass voting schedule 💎 Please note that you can drop your votes anytime too. Hwaiting! 💙 I’m voting for SEVENTEEN (@pledis_17) for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs    @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_DREAM
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN Japan 1st EP - 'DREAM' Press Conference JUN #준
[VOTING] AMAs Don't forget to cast your votes today, Carats! 💎 🌐 billboard.com/amasvote/ 🔗discord.gg/AMAs (1 acc= 22 votes) ⏱️Nov 21, 11AM KST ⏳Resets 2PM KST I’m voting for SEVENTEEN @pledis_17 for Favorite K-Pop Artist at the #AMAs @pledis_17jp #세븐틴 #SVT_DREAM twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
[STREAMING] Almost there to reach out 24h views goals, don't forget to like the video Current views : 1,944,971 (goals 2M) Likes :391k (goals 500k) youtu.be/6H8QHeC_VPs @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17jp
세븐틴 드림 포카 포토카드 모음 SEVENTEEN POP-UP STORE 2022 SEVENTEEN JAPAN 1ST EP「DREAM」 Photocard List #SVT_DREAM #DREAM #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #포카 #세븐틴포카 #세븐틴포카리스트
[STREAMING] Don't forget to stream #DREAM, Let's reach our 2nd day goals carats ❤️❤️ Current views : 2,754,265 (goals 2,8M) Likes :445k (goals 500k) youtu.be/6H8QHeC_VPs @pledis_17 SEVENTEEN #DREAM #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17jp
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN JAPAN 1st EP "DREAM" topped Billboard Japan's "HOT ALBUMS" again this week! 🥳🤍
[WWFC UPDATE] WE ARE HERE!! Now please widen the gap^^ 2022mama.com/vote Don't forget to play the song on Spotify open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d… @pledis_17 #DREAM #SVT_DREAM
세븐틴 드림 위버스샵 포카 포토카드 모음 SEVENTEEN JAPAN 1ST EP 「DREAM」 Benefit Pre Order Weverse Shop Japan Clear Photo Card List #SVT_DREAM #DREAM #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #포카 #세븐틴포카 #세븐틴포카리스트
[2022 MAMA VOTING] •Website 2022mama.com/vote •Spotify open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d… 📅: Until Nov 24th Guide :bit.ly/3gHl2o5 📝: LETS BRING MORE THROPY FOR #SEVENTEEN!! The gap 🚨🚨 @pledis_17 #DREAM #SVT_DREAM
Oricon Daily Albums Ranking | 2022年11月23日付 #2. #SVT_DREAM — 11,686 [+11] *11 days at #1 Known* total: 547,581 copies *Oricon daily sales that fall below the top 3 of the chart are concealed. #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN Japan 1st EP - 'DREAM' Press Conference DINO #디노
セブチのめざまし!ドギョムが取り上げられてて嬉しい🥹 ジョンハンさんもう聖地作っちゃったね今日から行列!? #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17 #도겸 #DK #JEONGHAN #정한 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
"And they're just incredible performers, so definitely them" 💯💯💯💯 Let's keep supporting and sharing our love for Seventeen, Carats! 💗 @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_DREAM twitter.com/MTV/status/159…
로즈베이(@the_rosebay) 221107 TBS CDTV ライブ! ライブ! 2時間 SP #세븐틴 Talk + #DREAM 무대 TS 구글 기차 / 381.8MB #SEVENTEEN #FacetheSun #HOT #SVT_HOT #SVT_DREAM #꿈걸음처럼_다가온_명호의_스물여섯 #The8nniversary svt-rosebay.tistory.com/2031
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN Japan 1st EP - 'DREAM' Press Conference DK #도겸 (2)
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN Japan 1st EP - 'DREAM' Press Conference JEONGHAN #정한 (2)
[#SVT_DREAM] SEVENTEEN Japan 1st EP - 'DREAM' Press Conference WONWOO #원우
[VOTING] CHOEAEDOL #Woozi_2nd_CharityFairy is now achieved 😭😭😭😭😭❤️ Thank you so much for your participation, Carats! Wooahae 🍚 Happy Woozi Day indeed! ❤️ #우지_생일축하하는_클리셰발동_삥 #OurRubyWOOZIday #SVT_DREAM @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp
[2022 MAMA VOTING] 3Hours left!! It's last day, let's do our best. Drop yours voting proof with #Our_VOTEHotter_ThanDay. RT all post with the tags^^ 2022mama.com/vote @pledis_17 #DREAM #SVT_DREAM