Steam players, sharpen those blades – this winter, you’ll keep warm on the stage of history! Get -30% now on #SOULCALIBUR VI until January 3. fcld.ly/sc6steam
電撃オンラインchで、12/26(水)20時頃から『2B配信記念!バージョンアップ内容も紹介するぞSP』を配信予定です。大久保P、マステル高橋さん、おおさかさんも出演し、2Bの使い方やVer1.10の内容、今後の調整方針についてお話していきます。#ソウルキャリバー6 #SOULCALIBUR youtube.com/watch?v=l4uCY8…
The legendary 3D weapon-based fighting game returned this year with brand new gameplay features and characters. Was the wait worth it? Find out what critics had to say about #SOULCALIBUR VI!
Seong Mi-Na trained fiercely in the art of the longsword and acquired great agility. She strikes with her zanbatou’s blade or swings it like a staff to send her opponents flying in #SOULCALIBUR VI.
Ivy's versatile sword is a loyal companion that will cut down any foe who stands in her way. Do you know how she was able to produce such a weapon? ⚔️ RT + comment with the right answer for a chance to win a Deluxe #SOULCALIBUR VI code! 🕔 Ends Jan 14, 5 PM CET/8 AM PST
A new patch for #SOULCALIBUR VI will be available on January 17 for PS4/Xbox One/Steam, bringing gameplay adjustments and updates for all characters. Read the update V.1.11 patch notes: bnent.eu/SC6Patch111
The SOULCALIBUR development team welcomes your feedback regarding SOULCALIBUR VI. To share your thoughts with us, please visit the following link: analytics.bnfes.jp/enquete/pc/sc6…. Thank you for your continued support! #SOULCALIBUR #SOULCALIBURVI
Sophitia is a virtuous warrior bestowed with a holy mission, Nightmare is the monstrous embodiment of the cursed sword she vowed to destroy. Who does your loyalty lie with? #SOULCALIBUR
Few warriors would dare challenge Yoshimitsu under a blood red moon, the way Max Elmberg Sjöholm depicted him with breathtaking talent! #SOULCALIBUR
A Project Soul Panel Session will be held at EVO JAPAN 2019 on February 16 in Fukuoka, Japan! Members of the development team (including @achilles_Okubo) will be on stage for a Q&A session. Will you be joining us? Details: bnent.eu/SC6JPEVO #SOULCALIBUR #EVOJAPAN
有料DLC3弾「クリエイションパーツセットA」の配信日が2019年2月19日に決定!キャラクタークリエイションで使えるパーツ67種類、『SOULEDGE』全バトルBGM(17曲)、『SOULCALIBUR』全バトルBGM(11曲)を収録!是非お楽しみに!#ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
“For one to gain, another must lose” Wielding her trusted rapier Albion, Amy is determined to seize victory. Raphael’s gifted student will soon join the roster in #SOULCALIBUR VI’s next DLC!
PS4版/Xbox One版/STEAM版アップデートデータVer.1.20の配信を開始致しました。無料クリエイションパーツの追加や、ゲーム本編の改善を何点か行っております。詳細は公式HPにてご確認ください。sc6.soularchive.jp #ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Update 1.20 is now live for PS4/Xbox One/Steam! This patch includes additional creation parts and functions, as well as gameplay, character creation and network adjustments. Full update details: bnent.eu/SC6Patch120 #SOULCALIBUR
The SOULCALIBUR development team welcomes your feedback regarding SOULCALIBUR VI. To share your thoughts with us, please visit the following link: analytics.bnfes.jp/enquete/pc/sc6… Thank you for your continued support! #SOULCALIBUR #SOULCALIBURVI
The SOULCALIBUR development team welcomes your feedback regarding SOULCALIBUR VI. To share your thoughts with us, please visit the following link: analytics.bnfes.jp/enquete/pc/sc6… Thank you for your continued support! #SOULCALIBUR #SOULCALIBURVI
Amy will join the cast of #SOULCALIBUR VI on 26 March on PS4, XB1 and PC! Raphael’s protege is ready to fend off any enemy that stands in her way.
A major new update is live today for #SOULCALIBUR VI on PS4, XB1 and Steam! Patch 1.30 includes a lot of changes in the battle system and improves the character balance. Read all the details here: bnent.eu/SC6Patch130
Does your soul burn for the Winter Rose? Today, Amy returns to the Stage of History in #SOULCALIBUR VI’s Season Pass on PS4, XB1 and PC to fight for hope with her trusted rapier Albion!
イラストレーターとしてご活躍されてるTea先生( @nakenashi )にエイミの応援イラストを描いて頂きました!有難うございます!#ソウルキャリバー #SOULCALIBUR
Trained to eliminate any blind spot, Taki knows how to counterattack from every angle. A drop-dead gorgeous rendition of the ninja warrior by @raphireart#SOULCALIBUR
The SOULCALIBUR development team welcomes your feedback regarding SOULCALIBUR VI. To share your thoughts with us, please visit the following link: analytics.bnfes.jp/enquete/pc/sc6… Thank you for your continued support! #SOULCALIBUR #SOULCALIBURVI
If looks could kill, Supervisor Cosplay would undoubtedly claim many souls with her amazing Tira #cosplay, photographed by Nerina Photography. #SOULCALIBUR
Give your warrior fierce new looks with the Creation Parts Set B available on 16 May in #SOULCALIBUR VI, which includes over 150 items & 97 pieces of background music! Update 1.40, out tomorrow, implements compatibility support of the DLC. Full details: bnent.eu/SC6Patch140