#SnowdropEp11 is currently trending on WEIBO Hot Search. 金智秀丁海寅吻戏好苏 (Kim Jisoo and Jung Hae-in kissing scene) — #1 General — #2 Entertainment 雪滴花 (Snowdrop) — #6 Entertainment — #31 General #JISOO #SNOWDROP #블랙핑크 #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수
#SnowdropEp11 is currently trending #3 WORLDWIDE with +177k tweets. #JISOO #SNOWDROP #블랙핑크 #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수
지수의 녹음테이프에 절로 올라가는 정해인 입꼬리🥰 | JTBC 220116 방송 (출처 : 설강화 : snowdrop | 네이버TV) 🔗 tv.naver.com/v/24632889 #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
"설강화" (Snowdrop) is currently trending #2 on NAVER Real-time search. #SnowdropEp11 📎m.search.naver.com/search.naver?w… #JISOO #SNOWDROP #블랙핑크 #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수
"설강화" (Snowdrop) is currently trending #1 on NATE Real-time issue keywords. #SnowdropEp11 📎news.nate.com/search?q=%BC%B… #JISOO #SNOWDROP #블랙핑크 #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수
"설강화 OST" (Snowdrop OST) is currently trending #5 on Melon Real-time search. #SnowdropEp11 📎melon.com/search/total/i… #JISOO #SNOWDROP #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수 #블랙핑크
Jisoo in #SNOWDROP has won "BEST NEW ACTRESS" at the 2nd DDU Awards (Korean Drama Awards from Thailand). Judging is measured by 30% votes and 70% team score. #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수 #블랙핑크 @BLACKPINK
'설강화' 다락방서 단둘이…정해인X지수, 떨리는 눈맞춤 (출처 : JTBC | 네이버 TV연예) 🔗 n.news.naver.com/entertain/arti… '설강화' 11회에서는 수호와 영로가 굳게 닫혔던 마음의 문을 열고 서로를 위로하는 내용이 공개된다. #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
[11회 예고] 반드시 살아 나가야 돼 《설강화 : snowdrop》 🔗youtu.be/dx8EkIWLXUo #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
" 우리 돕는 척, 위하는 척하더니.. " 유인나에게 배신감 느낀 지수 | JTBC 220115 방송 (출처 : 설강화 : snowdrop | 네이버TV) 🔗 tv.naver.com/v/24622983 #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
Bazaar Indonesia collects #JISOO's fav cosmetics to celebrate the 1st step in 2022 🔹️Known for her incomparable charm & charisma, she is also increasingly being praised for her acting skills through her debut drama #SNOWDROP ... harpersbazaar.co.id/amp/articles/r… #KOREAQUEST_JISOO #지수
เพลงที่คุณเจมี่ร้องประกอบละครสโนว์ดรอป คือเพลง Wishes ซึ่งจะปล่อยวันนี้เวลา 4 โมงเย็นบ้านเรา ส่วนอีกเพลง I Lost Myself In Loving you น่าจะไม่ใช่เพลงประกอบละคร จะปล่อยวันที่ 28 มกราฯ เสียดายอยากฟัง I Lost Myself In Loving you แบบเต็มเพลงไวๆ เพลงเพราะมาก #SNOWDROP
@ holyhaein 정해인님 인스타그램 📸 🔗 instagram.com/p/CYvCXEevvnw/… #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
[단독 선공개] 어긋나는 관계… 정해인의 소중한 목걸이 내팽개치는 지수 1/15(토) 밤 10시 30분 방송 (출처 : 설강화 : snowdrop | 네이버TV) 🔗tv.naver.com/v/24613816 #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
金智秀雪滴花拍摄现场照 (Photos of Kim Jisoo at Snowdrop's Shooting Site) is now trending on Douyin Hotsearch: 🔥 #5 Entertainment Hotsearch 🔥 #16 General Hotsearch 블랙핑크지수 #JISOO #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #블랙핑크 #BLACKPINK #SNOWDROP
[📸] 안동구님(병태 역) 인스타 with 지수 🔗 instagram.com/p/CYrH6XEPClj/… #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
[📸] 정이서님(경자 역) 인스타 with 지수 🔗 instagram.com/p/CYrE4XBpV1k/… #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
金智秀雪滴花拍摄现场照 (Photos of Kim Jisoo at Snowdrop's Shooting Site) is now trending #39 on Douyin Entertainment Hotsearch 블랙핑크지수 #JISOO #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #블랙핑크 #BLACKPINK #SNOWDROP
雪滴花也太虐了 (Snowdrop is too sad) is now trending #30 on Douyin Entertainment Hotsearch 4.6M searchs & videos are currently viewed by 5M users 블랙핑크지수 #JISOO #지수 #블랙핑크지수 #김지수 #블랙핑크 #BLACKPINK #SNOWDROP
[메이킹] 펑!! 터지는 와중에도 수호(정해인)와 영로(지수), 서로 앞에선 무장해제🥰 | ep.23 설강화 Snowdrop 🔗youtu.be/ixcGfpBhQiA #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
Good Data's TOP 10 Most Searched ​for the 1st week of January 2022. Drama Search Issue Keyword (Cast) — #3 지수 (#JISOO) TV Drama Search — #4 설강화: snowdrop #SNOWDROP #지수 #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수 @jtbclove
[메이킹] 기숙사에서 급발진하는 오페라와 국민체조 비하인드 | ep.22 설강화 Snowdrop 🔗youtu.be/8OvZMiLYewk #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
설강화, 방영 중인 5개국서 첫 '1위'…아시아 정상으로 (출처 : 머니투데이 | 네이버 TV연예) 🔗naver.me/5DbZMC7o '설강화가 공개된 5개국에서 모두 1위를 기록한 건 드라마 방영 이후 처음이다.' #JISOO #지수 #설강화 #SNOWDROP
SNOWDROP ranked #1 in all 5 countries that featured it on Disney+ rankings of January 11, 2022. 📎slist.kr/news/articleVi… Hong Kong: #1 Japan: #1 Singapore: #1 South Korea: #1 Taiwan: #1 #SNOWDROP #지수 #JISOO #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수
Jisoo ranked #1 among Korean Female Artists on individual page views in the official Wikipedia: WikiProject Korea/ Popular pages rankings in December. #SNOWDROP is also ranked #2 in all categories. #지수 #JISOO #설강화 #영로 #블랙핑크지수