📢 MASS COLLECT STARTS NOW‼️ 📢 Collect hearts on SMA app with ads and/or purchasing hearts if you have funds available. Any extra hearts you can donate to one of our listed accounts. Mass vote will begin in an hour! -🖤 #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
🏆 | SMA VOTING has started! Make sure to use your 1k hearts daily, Atiny! You can keep collecting more hearts and send them to our account: aty4atz6 We will make sure to use them within our voting crew and distribute the rest to Atinys on twitter! 🔥 #SMAsh_The_Wall
📢SMA 'Main' 9PM KST UPDATE #2: 289,169 (+ 5,395) ⬆️ ATZ: 129,759 (+ 1,007) ⬇️ #4: 127,703 (+ 1,637) ⬆️ Gap #2: 159,410 ⬆️ Gap #4: 2,056 ⬇️ atinys, do drop your votes if you not doing that yet, every of your votes matter! #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📢SMA 'Main' 4PM KST #2: 201,670 (+3,892) ⬆️ ATZ: 101,298 (+1,117) ⬆️❤️ #4: 94,332 (+878) ⬇️ Gap #2: 100,372 ⬆️ Gap #4: 6,966 ⬆️ While u're waiting time between watching SMA ads, u can collect ❤️on ichamp & ticket on whosfan #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA - 6PM KST #2: 137,203 (+3,858) ⬆️ ATZ: 73,332 (+761) ⬆️ #4: 66,431 (+1,324) ⬇️ Gap #2: 63,871⬆️🚨 Gap #4: 6,901⬇️🚨 If you only have free time 1 hr to vote, make 4-6 accs & watch ads continously 1 hr to earn hearts. #ATEEZ #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📢 | UPDATE SMA 'Main' 6AM KST #3: 258,985(+182)⬆️ ATZ: 219,404(+919) ⬆️🔥🔥 #5: 219,164(+413)⬆️ Gap #3: 39581 ⬇️ Gap #5: 240 ⬆️ We took back #4! Keep up the good work and increase the gap! Can we get 1K next?! -🖤 #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' - 4PM KST #9 : 137,074 (+236) ⬇️ ATZ: 136,961 (+565) ⬆️ #11 : 135342 (+682)⬆️ Gap #9 : 113 ⚠️ ATINY, Let's get back to #9 real quick !!!🔥🔥 #ATEEZ #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] 10PM KST - SMA 'Main' #6: 462,215 ATZ: 461,418 #8: 460,921 Gap #6: 797 !! Gap #8: 497🚨 LET'S KEEP GOING ON ATINY!!! HMA AOTY #7: 4.13% ATZ: 3.82% #9: 3.72% Gap #7: 0.31% Gap #9: 0.1% #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' 0000 KST UPDATE #7: 117,313(+3,064) ATZ: 111,775(+2,728) #11➡️9: 110,912(+5,967)🚨🚨 Gap #7: 5,538 Gap #9: 863🚨🚨 🚑 ALL HANDS ON DECK ATINY, don't forget to cast your vote! Send extra hearts to us: 418y #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📢] SMA Voting has reset. We got 7.14% (23,906 Votes) for the first 12hours of voting. Let's try to double our increase today. Get our percentage higher and make a wider gap to others. Collect hearts and maximize your votes #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #SMAsh_The_Wall @ATEEZofficial
400K 🔓 Good job tinys! We're loving this energy! We've came this far and we got 36 hours to go! FIGHTINGG!! Let's keep dropping above 1.5K votes in the next hour! #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/LAtinyCrescent…
🗳 | SMA HEARTS DISTRIBUTION 🔥 Atiny, we have around 15k hearts to distribute, plz dm us with your proof of voting for ATEEZ! — 🌸 — #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #エイティーズ #ATEEZ
[📈] SMA 'Main' - 10PM KST #3: 224,027 (+2,306) ⬆️ ATZ: 189,232 (+1,080) ⬆️ #5: 187,289 (+2,081) ⬆️🚨 Gap #3: 34,795 ⬆️ Gap #5: 1,943 ⬇️🚨 ATINY, the gap is alarming!! Let's drop our votes!! #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' - 7PM KST #4: 227,207 (+1,031)⬆️ ATZ: 226,970 (+482)⬇️🚨 Gap #4: 237🚨🚨 ATINY! While waiting for ATEEZ performance, please keep dropping your votes, Let's take over #4❗❗ #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📢 SMA - 4AM KST #2: 107,566 (+279) ⬇️ ATZ: 61,551(+927) ⬆️ #4: 55,311(+261) ⬇️ Gap #2:46,015⬇️ Gap #4: 6,240⬆️🔥 These are our golden hours, atiny. Let's take the chance during this time to really increase the gap with #4. -🖤 #ATEEZ #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' 15:00 KST UPDATE #7: 93,683 ATZ: 91,763 #9: 89,535 Gap #7: 1,920 Gap #9: 2,228 Atinys, dont forget to vote on ateez at fancast while streaming halazia on youtube ✊✊ fighting atinys !! #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📢 | SMA MAIN 6AM KST #2: 41,542(+513)⬆️ ATZ: 32,034(+1,112) ⬇️ #4: 27,217(+303)⬇️ Gap #2: 9,508⬇️🔥🔥 Gap #4: 4,817⬆️🔥🔥 We slowed down a little but we're still over 1k an hour. Let's keep this consistency! -🖤 #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
📢 SMA - 5AM KST #2: 177,672(+411) ⬆️ ATZ: 91,319(+788) ⬇️🚨 #4: 86,547(+175) ⬇️ Gap #2: 86,353⬇️ Gap #4: 4,772⬆️🔥 Let's try and keep a min increase of 1k an hour. Don't forget you can swap between acc to watch more ads! -🖤 #ATEEZ #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' - 6PM KST #5: 402,619 (+1,029) ⬇️ ATZ: 237,254 (+1,037) ⬇️ #7: 237,204 (+1,051) ⬆️ Gap #5: 165,365 ⬇️ Gap #7: 50 ⬇️ Atinys, let's now slow down and keep widening the gap !! #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
Let’s get serious and go all out, ATINY! To those who haven’t joined us yet or who have stopped along the way, it’s not too late to join us. Let’s give it our best. Only 4 days left!! #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 #ATEEZ @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/AtinyVentures/…
[📈] SMA 'Main' 19:00 KST UPDATE #6: 78,435 ATZ: 76,912 #8: 76258 Gap #6: 1,523 Gap #8: 654‼️ While enjoying HALAZIA, let's keep collecting hearts and dropping votes for SMA! Fighting! #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' - 3PM KST #8 : 140.091 (+393) ATZ: 136.838 (+1.064) ⏫🔥 #10 : 136396 (+469) Gap #8 : 3.253 Gap #10 : 442 We're back at #9! Now, let's widen the gap with #10!!🔥🔥 #ATEEZ #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
Our competition is starting to wake up. Let’s get back to a 1k hourly increase! We’re doing a good job. 🔥 -🖤 #ATEEZ #에이티즈 #SMAsh_The_Wall @ATEEZofficial twitter.com/ateezsignal/st…
[📈] SMA 'Main' - 3PM KST 🚨 #8: 154,411 (+992) ATZ: 153,888 (+555) ⬇️ #10: 153,787 (+368) Gap #8: 523⬆️🚨 Gap #10: 101 ⬇️🚨🚨🚨 Keep dropping your votes, Atiny! Don't let below surpass us! 🔥🔥 #ATEEZ #SMAsh_The_Wall #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial
[📈] SMA 'Main' 11PM KST UPDATE #3: 202,003(+6,631) ⬇️ ATZ: 170,613 (+1,706) ⬇️ #5: 166,325 (+2,296) ⬆️ Gap #3: 31,390⬆️🚨 Gap #5: 4,288 ⬇️🚨🚨 Less than 1 hour left. Let's keep fighting ATINY and don't forget to rest❤️ #SMAsh_The_Wall #ATEEZ #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial