탄탄한 기본기를 다지기 위한 은석의 특별한 연습법🎶 EUNSEOK's special practice method to strengthen his basics 🎶 youtube.com/shorts/-S4JglF… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #SMROOKIES #은석 #EUNSEOK
しっかりとした基本を身につけるためのウンソクの特別な練習方法🎶 youtube.com/shorts/-S4JglF… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #SMROOKIES #ウンソク #EUNSEOK
쇼헤이의 알찬 하루 일과 맛보기⏰ A glimpse of SHOEHEI's busy day ⏰ youtube.com/shorts/g8PuHaU… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #SMROOKIES #쇼헤이 #SHOHEI
큰일났다는 쇼타로 안심시키는 성찬😬 SUNGCHAN reassures worried SHOTARO 😬 youtube.com/shorts/dVZiHUX… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #NCT #쇼타로 #SHOTARO #성찬 #SUNGCHAN #SMROOKIES #쇼헤이 #SHOHEI #은석 #EUNSEOK #승한 #SEUNGHAN
SMROOKIES의 무대를 본 가족들의 반응은? 그저 감동…🥺 What were the families' reactions after the SMROOKIES stage? Getting emotional…🥺 youtube.com/shorts/7Gi_LzG… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #SMROOKIES #쇼헤이 #SHOHEI #은석 #EUNSEOK #승한 #SEUNGHAN
쇼헤이 놀리는 장꾸 승한😏 이것이 찐친 바이브 Mischievous SEUNGHAN teases SHOHEI😏 Close friend vibes youtube.com/shorts/Cy1bKLr… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #SMROOKIES #쇼헤이 #SHOHEI #은석 #EUNSEOK #승한 #SEUNGHAN
ショウヘイをからかういたずらっ子のスンハン😏 これが親友 youtube.com/shorts/Cy1bKLr… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #SMROOKIES #ショウヘイ #SHOHEI #ウンソク #EUNSEOK #スンハン #SEUNGHAN
성쇼XSMROOKIES에게 물었다 "다음에 가고 싶은 여행지는?"✈ SUNGSHO X SMROOKIES were asked "Where do you want to go next?"✈ youtube.com/shorts/Jc14-pF… #SM #NCTUniverse #welcometoNCTUniverse #NCT #쇼타로 #성찬 #SMROOKIES #쇼헤이 #은석 #승한
[BREAKING] @HYBEOFFICIALtwt is purchasing 14.8% of shares that Lee Soo-man has over @SMTOWNGLOBAL at W422.8b. With this, Hybe becomes the largest shareholder of SM. Hybe is also making a tender offer to purchase shares from minor shareholders. #HYBE #SM
HYBE、SMエンタの筆頭株主へ 創業者イ・スマン氏の株式を4228億ウォンで買収「世界の音楽市場のゲームチェンジャーに」 oricon.co.jp/news/2267292/?… #HYBE #SM #イスマン #SM買収
.@SMTOWNGLOBAL's founder Lee Soo-man joined hands with @HYBEOFFICIALtwt in the latest development of an internal business management feud between Lee and SM's co-CEOs. Hybe bought 14.8 percent of Lee's SM shares. Click here for more: bit.ly/3xbIHSB #SM #HYBE
.@SMTOWNGLOBAL donated 200M won for aid supplies and reconstruction of affected areas in the Republic of Türkiye and Syria, according to Hope Bridge. "We send our condolence to those who have lost their family members and home, and want to be of help," said SM. 🙏 #SM
SM엔터테인먼트, 튀르키예·시리아 지진 구호 위해 2억원 기부 SM Entertainment donates 200 million KRW for Türkiye-Syria earthquake relief bit.ly/3RSJ8uC #SM #SMentertainment #SMTOWN
Employees of @SMTOWNGLOBAL released a joint statement calling out on the SM founder Lee Soo-man for running away after selling his shares as suspicion over his illegal acts has been raised. "Lee left SM and Pink Blood but we will stay to protect SM and Pink Blood," they said. #SM
[R-18] 『トモ活』緊縛猿轡電動三角木馬責め #ボンデージ #拘束 #緊縛 #猿轡 #長手袋 #SM #三角木馬 #DID pixiv.net/artworks/10581…
SM, 법무법인(유) 세종과 업무 협약 체결 ‘SM 3.0 가속화’, 아티스트 보호를 위해 불법행위 강력 대응 나선다 “국내외 불법행위에 대해 어떠한 선처도 없을 것” #SM #SMTOWN #SMentertainment
SM UNIVERSE학생들의 꿈과 미래를 위한 업계 셀럽들의 특강 그 첫 순서!! 3/23(목) SME 이성수 대표 Special lectures by industry celebrities for SMU students' dreams and futures, starting with SME CEO Chris Lee on March 23rd (Thu)! #SMUNIVERSE #SMU #SM #ESTEEM #JONGROACADEMY
SM-최시원, 세계 최대 자연보전 캠페인 ‘어스 아워’(Earth Hour) 동참 SM-CHOI SIWON participate in the world's largest nature conservation campaign 'Earth Hour' naver.me/FGefb6PS #최시원 #CHOISIWON #슈퍼주니어 #SUPERJUNIOR #SM #SMentertainment #SMTOWN