[TMA] FOUR STAR Award D-10🏆 The voting for the FOUR STAR Award will be closed at 12 p.m. on June 27th(Korean time) The final first place will be announced on July 1st At this time, fraudulent voting will also be cut #STAY, cheer up for #StrayKids! #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR @Stray_Kids
🌟 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR: MISSIONS STAYs ❕❕ Join us as we prepare to win this "4TH GENERATION LEADERS" Award for @Stray_Kids by checking the pubmat below. 💯 MAIN GOAL: SAVE 1000🌟/🌈 on your acc. in preparation for last day of voting Please help us RT to reach MORE STAYs!
📢 ATTENTION STAYs❕❕ We are asking everyone to please use our official tags for TMA Voting that's going on in FANNSTAR App. VOTE SKZ FOR TMA #STAYGoingCrazy #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #SKZ_CIRCUS #StrayKids @Stray_Kids
📅 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR: MASS VOTING SCHEDULE STAYs❕❕ Here's our new schedule of Mass Voting that we will be following until the end of voting. Please follow the computation table according to your gpoint level and group. Computation table will be posted later #STAYGoingCrazy
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ NINTH WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! VOTE for @Stray_Kids NOW! 🔗 teamsvs.site/fannstar.html 📌 GOAL: 4M GAP ✅ Watch ADs every 10mins ✅ Read 30 📰 for ea language ✅ Collect MORE 🌟 ⏰ 4PM - 6PM KST #STAYGoingCrazy #StrayKids
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ FIRST WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! Please join us voting for @Stray_Kids! 🔥😭🙏 ✅ GOAL: 2M GAP before the day ends ⏰ 4PM - 6PM KST Post a SCREENSHOT of your VTs along with the official tagline and hashtag to encourage more STAYs.
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ LAST WAVE of our Mass Voting for today just started! 6 HOURS LEFT! ⏳ ONE LAST PUSH, STAYs! 🔥 ⏰ 6AM - 8AM KST ✅ FINISH YOUR 40 ADs DO NOT WAIT LAST MINUTE and start dropping all your 🌟 now. Finish your 40 ADs before 11AM KST or earlier.
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ SECOND WAVE of our Mass Voting for today already started! Please join us VOTE for @Stray_Kids 🔗Check strategy here: bit.ly/3nbOK4N ✅ 500K VTs p/h ⏰ 5PM - 7PM KST 📌 If you already 🗳️ on 1ST 🌊, no need to join 2ND 🌊 #STAYGoingCrazy
🌊#SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ THIRD WAVE of our Mass Voting for today now started! 🔗 Strat: bit.ly/3nbOK4N ⏰ 8PM - 12AM KST ✅ FINISH YOUR 40 ADs Make sure you won't have more than 784🌟 after 12AM KST as you can only drop 1K🌟 for last day later. DROP ALL EXCESS!
❤️‍🔥結果【速報】❤️‍🔥 全世界STAY!!!!! 皆さん本当にお疲れ様でした😭🩷 1位 Stray Kids!!!!!🏆✨ #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #straykids #StrayKids5STAR #StrayKidsComeback #YouMakeStrayKidsStay twitter.com/thefact_tma/st…
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ FIRST WAVE of our Mass Voting for today now started! 12 HOURS LEFT! ⏳ 🔗 Strat: bit.ly/3nbOK4N ⏰ 12AM - 2AM KST ✅ FINISH YOUR 40 ADs If you'll go to sleep and can't vote during our 6AM KST MV, we suggest to DROP ALL your 🌟 now.
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ SIXTH WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! VOTE for @Stray_Kids NOW! 🔗 teamsvs.site/fannstar.html 📌 GOAL: 2M GAP ✅ Watch ADs every 10mins ✅ Read 30 📰 for ea language ✅ Collect MORE 🌟, SAVE 300🌟 P/D OR MORE IF YOU CAN ⏰ 8PM - 12AM KST
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ FIRST WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! Please join us VOTE for @Stray_Kids. Drop VOTES according to your gpoint level and group. 🔗 Check here: bit.ly/39OQvSm ✅ GOAL: 500K VTs per hour ⏰ 5PM - 7PM KST #STAYGoingCrazy
❤️‍🔥【速報】❤️‍🔥 15M over Vote💪✨ 目標票差🗳20M over💪 2000万、今日中に目指したいです! 油断禁物⚠️皆さんの毎日の投票が結果に繋がっています😭💗 毎日幸せを届けてくれるスキズに2年連続受賞プレゼントしましょう🏆✨ #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #straykids #YouMakeStrayKidsStay #真実誠実謙虚 twitter.com/krszysk6/statu…
最終日に向けての注意事項です!しっかり読んで下さい!こちらの画像自由に使って大丈夫です!掲示板、各種SNSでの周知をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 英語版はこの内容+韓国の時間基準になる為時差に気をつけてほしい事を書いてます!両方 共RTして下さい! #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #ペンスタ #straykids twitter.com/oomawoo_/statu…
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ SECOND WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! Please join us voting for @Stray_Kids! 🔥 ✅ GOAL: 2M GAP before the day ends ⏰ 8PM - 12AM KST Post a SCREENSHOT of your VTs along with the official tagline and hashtag to encourage more STAYs.
【拡散希望】ステイ!ペンスタ掲示板たくさん書き込んでください!今同率50/50です。同率で終了の場合、掲示板カキコミ数の多い方が勝ちになるそうです!どんどん掲示板にカキコしましょう! #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #StrayKids5STAR #straykids
300万票差があったのが嘘みたいな得票数で終了… 結果はまだだけど、投票に参加した全世界のSTAY!お疲れ様でした😭✨ STRAY KIDS EVERYWHERE ALL AROUND THE WORLD YOU MAKE STRAY KIDS STAY🤟❤️ #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #straykids #StrayKidsComeback #YouMakeStrayKidsStay #真実誠実謙虚 twitter.com/krszysk6/statu…
全世界のSTAYは引き続き 真実誠実謙虚に投票お願いします。 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR #straykids #StrayKids5STAR #StrayKidsComeback #YouMakeStrayKidsStay
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ TENTH WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! VOTE for @Stray_Kids NOW! 🔗 teamsvs.site/fannstar.html 📌 GOAL: 8M GAP before the day ends ✅ Watch ADs every 10mins ✅ Read 30 📰 for ea language ⏰ 4PM - 6PM KST #STAYGoingCrazy #StrayKids
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ FIRST WAVE of our MASS VOTING for today just ended! Next MASS VOTING will be 5PM KST 📌 You can only participate 1 MV p/d, if you already participated for 1ST WAVE, no need to participate later. But if you haven't, wait for the next MV schedule
🎪FOR STAY: TIME EVENTS SCHEDULE ON FANNSTAR - You can claim ANY time event twice a day, once for each language - Time Events only last for 1 HOUR, claim your 🌟 before they ended - Turn your nofications on in the app settings to be notified once it started #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ EIGHTH WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! VOTE for @Stray_Kids NOW! 🔗 teamsvs.site/fannstar.html 📌 GOAL: 2M GAP ✅ Watch ADs every 10mins ✅ Read 30 📰 for ea language ✅ Collect MORE 🌟, SAVE 300🌟 P/D OR MORE IF YOU CAN ⏰ 8AM - 12PM KST
📅 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR: MASS VOTING SCHEDULE Here's our NEW & FINAL Mass Voting schedule that we will be following until the last day. Please follow the computation table according to your gpoint level. 🔗 bit.ly/3nbOK4N #STAYGoingCrazy
🌊 #SKZforTMA_FANNSTAR STAYs❕❕ THIRD WAVE of our Mass Voting already started! Please join us voting for @Stray_Kids! 🔥 ✅ GOAL: 2M GAP before 8AM KST ⏰ 12AM - 4AM KST Post a SCREENSHOT of your VTs along with the official tagline and hashtag to encourage more STAYs.