Congratulations to Minghao!!!🎉🎉 《Side By Side》on QQ Music Peak Popularity Chart 💎Daily #.1 💎Weekly #.1 💎Yearly #.5 💎Total #.84 #명호_곁에서_나란히_오래오래 #SIDEBYSIDE_NEXT_TO_THE8 #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #ディエイト #ミンハオ #Side_By_Side #肩并肩 #8MUSIC
A canvas will show up when you play both versions of "Side by Side" on Spotify! Check it out here: open.spotify.com/album/2icreg0F… #명호_곁에서_나란히_오래오래 #SIDEBYSIDE_NEXT_TO_THE8 @pledis_17
200413 QQ Music update Congratulations to Minghao for winning QQ Music Peak Popularity Daily Chart TOP1, received Peak Golden Single certification with 3.3 million popularity points🎉🎉 #명호_곁에서_나란히_오래오래 #SIDEBYSIDE_NEXT_TO_THE8 #디에잇 #THE8 #minghao #Side_By_Side
200413 QQ Music update Minghao will come to chat with us in 《Side By Side》comment section at QQ Music on April 14, 19:30 👉i.y.qq.com/n2/m/client/cm… #명호_곁에서_나란히_오래오래 #SIDEBYSIDE_NEXT_TO_THE8 #SEVENTEEN #디에잇 #서명호 #THE8 #minghao #Side_By_Side #肩并肩 #8MUSIC
THE8 SIDE BY SIDE has debuted with a combined 106,028 streams on Spotify 🔥 Chinese Version - 36,339 Korean Version - 69,689 #명호_곁에서_나란히_오래오래 #SIDEBYSIDE_NEXT_TO_THE8 @pledis_17 open.spotify.com/album/2icreg0F…