AND YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR AVATAR TO THE SHIB LOGO. IF SO, LETS MAKE A DEAL! @MattWallace888 #SHIBARMY make sure he sees this. 🤡 twitter.com/MattWallace888…
Head down working. Update coming soon and I think you will love it. #ShibaEternity #Shibarium #SHIBARMY
This particular tutorial goes into how Dig and WOOF works which is one aspect of #ShibaSwap. I'm excited for more tutorials and to see the community reaction. Thanks to the team and all the loyal testers. #SHIBARMY youtu.be/iCeDNH0uh-o
Just saw our official stance about this CMC issue. Incoming. Meanwhile I'm working with our newly onboarded industry Vet for our upcoming #SHIBOSHI game. That info is upcoming as well. Lots to look forward to #SHIBARMY. #longterm #Nofud
Too bad you don't see that is exactly what we are doing @elonmusk. But thanks for confirming that we are doing the right thing as we've said countless times in our woofpaper and in all media. We are much more than a meme. #SHIBARMY twitter.com/elonmusk/statu…
31 キャンペーン
今回は #SHIB を300万枚配布です! 期間は11月いっぱい! ながーーーーくとってみます。 10万枚✖️30人=300万枚ですね! なお、前回の当選者の方々は省かせて頂きますが拡散の協力お願いしたいと思います‼️ 条件はフォロー&RT ハッシュタグとコメントは自由! #SHIB #SHIBARMY
This poster for #shibthemetaverse is in a competition at #SXSW23 for best movie poster. #SHIBARMY, let @sxsw know what you think! (And yes that's a shot from inside the #metaverse!)
SHIB PIZZA DAY = @certikorg AMA with PIZZA! At @ginosorbillo, the best pizza place in the WORLD. 5% OFF PIZZA FOR #SHIBARMY TOMORROW/TODAY in Naples, Milan, Rome, Genova, Ibiza, and Miami!
Finally got that Blue Check #SHIBARMY (🤑)! Now you don't have to worry about scammers (at least on this site) claiming they are me. Thank you for all the well wishes. And even the WENS. This also means I'll have much more to say here... stay tuned.
EVERY SINGLE #SHIBARMY MEMBER SHOULD READ THIS. @shibarium_ has done a wonderful job explaining, in plain and truthful terms, exactly what's going on with FUD and our amazing trifecta of tokens: #SHIB #LEASH & $BON#BONETRTRTRT twitter.com/shibarium_/sta…
What I love about #SHIB #LEASH AND #BONE (& #SHIBOSHIS!) is that you never know what the future hodls. #SHIBARMY #SHYTOSHISAYINGS
It's hilarious to hear people calling me a scammer after deals with MAJOR companies. LOL... give it up already. Join us or be proven a false prophet. Besides,we're just normal guys/gals+. Just like you. We are #SHIBARMY !
My heart and prayers goes out to the #SHIBARMY in #Turkey and #Syria. Please put non-profits that accept #Shib from the commemt area so whales can help!
Anyways, new Medium incoming specifically about #Shiboshis. Stay tuned. #SHIBARMY
Just love meeting with .@PlaysideStudios & .@william_volk. #SHIBARMY
I didn't even know percents came in millions! Lol I kid but honestly I was so used to getting .1% APY from my bunk and being happy with it. Lol. #SHIBARMY We are just getting started. twitter.com/CNN/status/145…
Tomorrow 9 AM PST catch me in Shib Discord, I will pause the chat to discuss #ShibaEternity and everything that is associated with it. You do not want to miss my passionate speech and explanation of my opinion on the future of Shib. HAIL SHIBA. #SHIBARMY
Love these screenshots. If I actually watched television I'd be entertained. What are they saying? Can someone in the #SHIBARMY fill me in? twitter.com/LucieSHIB/stat…
Ok @verified just sent in my request. If this works, we follow with the other Shib accounts @shibainuart & @ShibInformer that need to be verified. Thanks fot your expeditious help with this. #SHIBARMY
芝犬ロングが1,430万円儲かったんで、この投稿が100RT達成したら ①動物愛護NPO法人に25万円 ②RTから5人×400USDT ①に関してはPDFで毎月報告され、②に関しては当選報告をRTします。 tokyocatguardian.org ※東京キャットガーディアン #SHIB #SHIBARMY
This bring a tear to me eye... we made NASDAQ #SHIBARMY! nasdaq.com/articles/why-s…
Dearest #SHIBARMY! (Thread) I know the market conditions are tough but it's amazing to see how #shibarmystrong is so true. We are holding @#15 despite the insanity of the 🌎. Hail Shib! There are things we would like to reveal but at times aren't able to because of NDAs etc.