👀🍗🍗🍖 A great example of decentralization! #SHIBARMY #Australia #nom youtube.com/live/ATAab1ERk…
Ryoshi would do this sometimes early on so I'm going to give it a try... I am looking for a game studio. Should be #SHIBARMY and must have released a few titles. Must have more than 5 employees and be interested in making a cross platform strategy card (NFT) GAME. Reply below:
I'm case anyone doubts what I said about studying ancient Indian scriptures. Exhibit A from my bookshelf. It's worn because I read it often. #SHIBARMY #Diwali
I am not affiliated with any token using my name or likeness unlawfully. DYOR and don't get scammed. Likewise there is no (official) Shibarium token; Shibarium is an L2 blockchain so any you see are super sus. Need I go on #SHIBARMY ? twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
As promised... LET'S PARTY #SHIBARMY!!! See you tomorrow! youtu.be/eHGlU3ehEco
And that ladies and gentlemen is real reporting! The @BusinessInsider article now reflects our truth. Thank you @isabelletanlee & to her editors for quickly fixing the article. I followed and look forward to answering any future questions and providing updates from the #SHIBARMY. twitter.com/isabelletanlee…
Shout out to #SHIBARMY FINLAND for this meme! 😂🤣
For those who won't read the article, here is the THE THIRD FLOOR'S client list (below). We are in good hands. #SHIBARMY #SHIB #metaverse shib.io twitter.com/Shibtoken/stat…
Sad response from someone that is ill informed. #SHIBAETERNITY is for the app stores and not our blockchain game... and like others who underestimated us, you too will learn that we are not a meme. Either way YOU CAN PET THE DOG in our game. #SHIBARMY twitter.com/CanYouPetTheDo…
Omg that'd be awesome! I'll take 0.001 ANYDAY for #SHIB!! GREAT PREDICTION. That's an awesome ATH! #SHIBARMY you heard it first from this 🤡 twitter.com/TheMoonCarl/st…
Though I am not from the UK, I send my condolences to all #SHIBARMY members of that country for the loss of the Queen. Again, sincere condolences.
If you ever decide to change lanes, and put part of your assets into a token that's more than a meme, turn on your blinker and the #SHIBARMY will be right there. @saylor twitter.com/saylor/status/…
ALL hail Shiba! #SHIBARMY good night.
So... 3 BILLION #SHIB TO ANYONE THAT CAN SHOW THROUGH ETHERSCAN ANY TOKENS WERE ADDED TO THE CIRCULATING SUPPLY. #impossible Ignore the #fud and keep being amazing. Finally #SHIBARMY required reading by our eloquent @shibarium_! 6/6 shibarium1.medium.com/a-message-for-…
Thank you .@AlwaysZen___ for helping me with my brain freeze moment. You earned this shoutout dude. #SHIBARMY #FOLLOW