#SEVENTEENxAPPLE The store will debut Apple's 1st ever K-pop group at the remix session featuring seventeen where attendees can reconstruct the track using garage band. The same app woozi started his composer journey from Wonwoo's MacBook predebut. The full circle moment.🤍
#SEVENTEEN#Apple がコラボ!アプリで初英語曲『Darl+ing』の自在なリミックスが可能に #SEVENTEENxAPPLE #CARAT sportsseoulweb.jp/star_topic/id=…
.@pledis_17's "Today at Apple" session will kick off on April 15 at Apple Myeongdong. Here, fans will be able to experience making a remix of "Darl+ing" with the actual sources using Apple's devices and GarageBand! #SVT_Darling #SEVENTEENxAPPLE
#SEVENTEENxAPPLE 'During their ending ment, Mingyu suddenly rolled up his sleeve to show his Apple watch, and said "It seems like time passed by very quickly."' what😭😂😭😂😭
Appleの #SEVENTEEN リミックスセッションがアメリカにも拡大、初英語曲『Darl+ing』も熱い人気 #SEVENTEENxAPPLE sportsseoulweb.jp/star_topic/id=…