TWICEに1位をプレゼントするために 今できることを自分なりにまとめて見ました 自分はフォロワーが特別多い訳ではなく、 多くの方に動画を見て貰えません なので、この動画を自由に保存し、 様々なSNSに拡散して貰えませんか? メンションや許可は必要ないです #TWICE #ONCEと繋がりたい #SETMEFREE
[Apple Music] ONCEs, please make sure you're streaming properly here is a playlist you can use music.apple.com/ph/playlist/re… #TWICE #트와이스 #SETMEFREE
🏆MCD PRE-VOTE ONCE! PREPARE YOUR ACCOUNTS FOR OUR 1ST WAVE OF MASS VOTING AT 9PM KST. 2 votes per IP Address To have diff IP Ad WiFi(use V₱N/restart WiFiRouter) Data(10sec ✈️mode> refresh app) 🔗mnetplus.world/community/vote #SETMEFREE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
Hello @ItIsMeEJ @1027KIISFM, could you please play #SETMEFREE by #TWICE   (@JYPETWICE) 🙇🏻‍♀️ ONCEs would love to hear it! Thank you 🙏🏼
MASS COLLECTION OF VOTING CREDITS HAS STARTED 🔥📩 Start collecting Chamsims and Heartbeats on Idolchamp and Mubeat app. Refer to the poster below for your guide of daily collection. Maximize each uses! Drop proof of collection below+ #SETMEFREE #TWICE  @JYPETWICE
MASS COLLECTION REMINDER: FREEVOTE & MNET Site 📌Create more gmail/sns accts on MNET for Mcountdown Pre & Live-voting. (have at-least 20 or more mnet accts) 📌Collect Hearts from your multiple accts on FREEVOTE (have at-least 450 hearts per accts) #SETMEFREE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
MASS COLLECTION OF VOTING CREDITS HAS STARTED 🔥📩 Start collecting Chamsims and Heartbeats on Idolchamp and Mubeat app. Refer to the poster below for your guide of daily collection. Maximize each uses! Drop proof of collection below+ #SETMEFREE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
MASS COLLECTION REMINDER: FREEVOTE & MNET Site 📌Create more gmail/sns accts on MNET for Mcountdown Pre & Live-voting. (have at-least 20 or more mnet accts) 📌Collect Hearts from your multiple accts on FREEVOTE (have at-least 450 hearts per accts) #SETMEFREE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
USA ONCEs, Amazon Music is currently offering a 3-months FREE trial (limited time only). Avail it now and stream SET ME FREE / READY TO BE 👍🏼 🔗 amazon.com/music/unlimited #SETMEFREE #READYTOBE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
MASS COLLECTION OF VOTING CREDITS HAS STARTED 🔥📩 Start collecting Chamsims and Heartbeats on Idolchamp and Mubeat app. Refer to the poster below for your guide of daily collection. Maximize each uses! Drop proof of collection below+ #SETMEFREE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
☝️ Some general important points when streaming. Stream correctly for it to count. #READYTOBE #SETMEFREE #TWICE
MASS COLLECTION OF VOTING CREDITS HAS STARTED 🔥📩 Start collecting Chamsims and Heartbeats on Idolchamp and Mubeat app. Refer to the poster below for your guide of daily collection. Maximize each uses! Drop proof of collection below+ #SETMEFREE #TWICE @JYPETWICE
🚨MCOUNTDOWN 事前投票開催中🚨 #TWICE エムカリベンジのためにが事前投票がとても大事なので、 #SETMEFREE に投票お願いします🙇 🔗mnetplus.world/community/vote… ⚠️本日03/20 23:59 まで⚠️ ✅1垢1票 ✅ログインだけで簡単投票 🔥複数アカウント可 できる限り複数垢で投票🙏 リプ欄に投票スクショを👇
MubartアプリにてMusic bank事前投票開始されました 手持ちのheartbeatの20%を忘れず投票お願いします 投票後はheartbeatの補充を忘れずお願いします 更に@TFVUnionからの指示を待ちます @JYPETWICE #TWICE #SETMEFREE
📢DUCKAd App CAST YOUR 1 VOTE (500Vts) ON MELON 🎟️ Make sure to replenish your VTs and wait for our next instructions. For new accts use our referral code: 102382712899651244170 #SETMEFREE  #TWICE  @JYPETWICE
📣 ONCE, pay attention ☝️ Only cast votes in favor of Melon or Genie. We do not recommend sponsoring Bugs, as Bugs is not counted in Inkigayo. Please share this info with other ONCE --- Read our quoted DuckAd tutorial below #TWICE #READYTOBE #SETMEFREE twitter.com/ONCE_GLOBAL/st…
134 Followers Left to earn 10K votes for TWICE on Show Champion! DO NOT LOSE THIS OPPORTUNITY. ITS 10,000 VOTES 🔥🚨🚨🔥 SPREAD NOW! #TWICE #READYTOBE #SETMEFREE @JYPETWICE twitter.com/twicebsocial/s…
ONCEs, please go leave positive comments on this video <33 youtube.com/watch?v=9_GuIK… #SETMEFREE #TWICE
Remember to include the fancams as fillers when you stream the MV! #SETMEFREE is currently at 43M 🎯 65M views by Sunday 3.19.23 twitter.com/MBC_entertain/…
URGENT MASS VOTING STARTS NOW. 🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️🚨 🔗 mnetplus.world/community/vote #TWICE #READYTOBE #SETMEFREE @JYPETWICE
Hello @Channel933 @itsethancole, could you please play #SETMEFREE  by #TWICE  (@JYPETWICE), We would love to hear it, Thank you! 🙇🏻‍♀️
ONCE, let’s focus on what we can control. Have you: ❓Pre-saved / pre-ordered ❓Downloaded streaming and voting apps ❓Created voting accounts and collected voting credits 👩‍🏫 Tutorial:bit.ly/3HiUrIS Let’s do our best for TWICE!!! #SETMEFREE #READYTOBE @JYPETWICE
[MCD] ONCEs, please don't forget to vote for let's get some wins #SETMEFREE mnetplus.world/community/vote…