Victory for Trump at Supreme Court days before the election. GOP now controls #SCOTUS 6-3 as Republicans ramp up voter suppression campaign nationwide. All pieces in place for an attempt to steal the US election in favor of Trump.
Are we coming for you #Russia or #SCOTUS? Yes. And this is going to get interesting. We promise. Enjoy the French sounds just to make you that much more mad. youtube.com/watch?v=r0-BWd…
My apologies for a delayed public response to #SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v Wade. I've travelled the world. I've seen countries where women are not equal in society. It is disgusting. No government should be able to tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body.
If your employer fired you over a vaccine or mask issue, today is the day to start legal action against them. #SCOTUS
Misogynists on the left have, for years, completely ignored the fact that fascism enters through the door of misogyny. Once half the population has agreed to dehumanize and enslave the other half, fascism and totalitarianism is entrenched in governance. #RoeVWade #SCOTUS
U.S. Supreme Court poised to overturn Roe vs Wade: Endangering women; violating human rights. #roevswade #SCOTUS #EndImpunity Read: yac.news/blogs/protect/… youtu.be/KuE9_pBFY70?li…
【速報】アメリカの最高裁判所が、中絶を合法化した歴史的判決Roe v Wadeを覆すことを暫定的に決定したと、Politicoが入手した意見書の草案から報じた。事実ならば、からだの自己決定権という基本的な人権を女性から奪うことになる重大な転機となる。front-row.jp/_ct/17463650 #SCOTUS #RoeVsWade