#GreatDanceCrew Pay full attention to details during rehearsal. Salute Michael Jackson. Wear clothes that match the concept. How will Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ and Acute Angle Team integrate MJ's iconic moves into their choreography? The second public performance is on its way!
#HappyDragonBoatFestival Here comes the Dragon Boat Festival talent show of #GreatDanceCrew! A dance battle among "rice dumplings" is going to start, and our Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA will go first! Which one do you want to root for?
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Check out the cute moments of Leader #SANTA's @into1_santa_ in GDC!
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Today's special performance: Leader #SANTA's @into1_santa_ unique style of reaction dance. You can see Leader SANTA grooving all the time! When others dance, he also starts dancing. We just can't stop smiling when seeing this!
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ can't hide his capability of doing B-box anymore! He humbly said he didn't know how to do so, but in fact, he did a great job. Except for B-box, he also showed a freestyle dance. Whatever he does, he ends up dancing!
#GreatDanceCrew One episode but two gains. You know what I'm saying. Leader #SANTA's @into1_santa_ somersaults in the battle and sweet otaku dance doubled the impact! Leader SANTA, please try different things and make breakthroughs! My wish is Leader SANTA can show Latin dance!
#GreatDanceCrew Don't miss out on Leader #SANTA's @into1_santa_ freestyle! Watch the new ep on YOUKU SHOW YouTube now!
EP6 part1:youtu.be/O0Uh1H2gNCc
EP6 part2:youtu.be/geGMVkW3RQs twitter.com/into1_official…
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ is a professional dancer and sincere leader💯After hearing team members' acknowledgment, he showed his gratitude to everyone in GDC❤️
#Santa_BattleKing #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Use one word to describe Leader #SANTA's battle @into1_santa_? That would definitely be "KING"! No matter how many times I watch his videos, I'm still amazed by his dance👏 👏 👏
#Santa_BattleKing #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#YOUKU #优酷
#赞多 #SANTA ✖️ #SantaGreatDanceCrew
Challenge yourself in today's party of the great dance club 🕺 The mentor SANTA danced the Otaku dance for the first time🥰
#GreatDanceCrew I shall call GDC the most effective wishing well. Since Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ has made a promise, I believe you already know what I'm referring to. The Tyro Cup is all set, so make sure to make some noise at the Great Dance Crew at 8 PM (UTC+8) tonight!
#GreatDanceCrew All team members have a happy reunion, and Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ throws himself into GDC Novice Challenge! Why does throwing his coat amaze everyone? Wait until 8 PM (UTC+8) tomorrow, and don't miss the freestyle of Leader SANTA!
#GreatDanceCrew Leader SANTA said he had gained weight because of the yummy Chinese food?! If you meet President #AlecSu and Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA, which dish in your hometown would you recommend to them? Comment to share with us!
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ is definitely an all-round dancer! In the online class meeting, he said he learned Samba when he was around 12 years old. He also learned some moves of Chinese folk dance quickly👍👍👍
#赞多 #SANTA ✖️ #SantaGreatDanceCrew
Mentor SANTA new skill unlock! Diligent youth studied hard to improve himself at home. Tonight 8PM(GMT+8), click to check the guitar version of TWO TIGERS ~
#GreatDanceCrew Feel bored? Why not join in the special online class meeting with President #AlecSu and Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA? Stay tuned to YOUKU SHOW YouTube at 20:00 (UTC+8) tonight!
EP6 part1:youtu.be/sb5Ud1ombnM
EP6 part2:youtu.be/5KjsV8YuAtU
Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ is waiting for you! Don't be late!
#GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#GreatDanceCrew Hi? Are you there? President #AlecSu, Leaders #Fei, #ChengXiao, #TEN, and #SANTA, together with the team members, are going to have an online class meeting. All of them are well prepared. Are you ready? At 8 PM (UTC+8) tonight, Special Episode is waiting for you!
#GreatDanceCrew A special class meeting! President #AlecSu and Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA @into1_santa_ gather! Talent show. Oh-no second. Chinese class. Tests of Northeastern dialect and tongue twisters. Remember to join in our meeting on time at 8 PM (UTC+8) tomorrow!
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ encouraged the team members with his own experience of learning Chinese. Only by practicing hard can we present the best stage. Look forward to their show!
#GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#YOUKU #优酷
Here comes your big baby Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_! Please check his cuteness for you today!
#GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Did you listen carefully in Leader #SANTA's @into1_sanata_ master class the day before yesterday? Remember to practice the basic moves. See Leader SANTA's serious expression? Maybe there will be a spot-check!
#YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Keep the basic knowledge in mind, then you can flexibly respond to the changing topics! Stunning dance may only require simple moves. Follow Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ to consolidate the basic skills of street dance and make progress!