Happy New Year #SAFU about to start the year with a big #pump. ATH EVERY DAY AND JUST 3 DAYS OLD Chart is ready for an explosion 🔥🚀 Looks and are #SAFE Doxxed Dev, thats big + t.me/SAFU_Coin twitter.com/SAFU_Community DYOR #SAFUa href="/hashtag/SAFU/retweet/1">#SAFUFU #SAFUARMY #DontMissOut
The operation of @HuobiGlobal exchange is #SAFE, the wallets are SAFE, and the backend is SAFE. The recent market fluctuations and the leveraged liquidations were caused by few users triggering a cascade of forced liquidations in the spot and HT contract markets.
明日16日(火)#テレビ東京 #午後のロードショー は 『#SAFE/セイフ』 主演 #ジェイソン・ステイサム 元NY市警の刑事がマフィアに狙われる少女と出会う👧 彼女は天才的な記憶力を持ち 組織の㊙情報を覚えていたことから組織から追われていて… 午後1時40分🎥