#YuzuruHanyu set new short program season best or world record under new ruels with 110,53 points (max availble 116.77) Best TES 62.44 Best PCS - 48.09 What else? #GPFIGURE #moscow #gpfigure #羽生結弦 #RostelecomCup
#YuzuruHanyu won the #RostelecomCup short program. He scored 110.53 points (62.44|48.09) going over 110 for the fifth time in his career. He receidved four 10 marks from two different judges (SWE composition-interpretation; ITA performance-interpretation). #羽生結弦 twitter.com/Eurosport_IT/s…
Today #YuzuruHanyu'FS run-thorugh - 2Lo, 4S (with turn), 3Lo, 4T, 4T+3Aseq, 3F+3T, 3A+euler+3S. Excellent secon half, good impression, #羽生結弦 #RostelecomCup #Moscow
Today #YuzuruHanyu's SP run-through - 4S, 3A, 2T. He easily landed 4T/3T combination outside the run-through. Overall, a good practice session with many 4S very well completed. Waiting for the short program (13:26 CET) #羽生結弦 #RostelecomCup #Moscow youtube.com/watch?time_con…
#YuzuruHanyu - #RostelecomCup free skate: 4S, 4T, 3Lo, 3F, 4T+euler+3S, 3Afall, A. Right choice to simplify the program after the morning injury
Alexander #Samarin got 20.79 points for the 4Lz + 3T combination. Is the element with the highest value ever for a short program? In the free-skate #YuzuruHanyu got 20.90 points for 4T+euler+3F combination performed in the bonus zone. #RostelecomCup
Yuzuru Hanyu was in a different league to the rest of the skaters in the #GPFigure #RostelecomCup men’s short programme with a perfect programme.