Newly released trailer for Vocal Mentor Ronghao Li! Want to have hotpot with him on Table 9? Please wait patiently and enter in order. It will be a satisfying experience.#iQIYI #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #李荣浩 #LiRonghao #RonghaoLi #爱奇艺 #YouthWithYou3
#YouthWithYou3 Vocal Mentor Ronghao Li begins his snatching stage. His performance as a guitarist and singer will light the stage up! #iQIYI #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #李荣浩 #LiRonghao #RonghaoLi #爱奇艺
#YouthWithYou3 Listen to the “SELFIE” of Vocal Mentor Ronghao Li. Sense his life experience and reflections through the deep voice and true motions in the song. #iQIYI #青春有你 #YouthWithYou #李荣浩 #LiRonghao #RonghaoLi #爱奇艺 #YouthWithYou3startsnow
#YouthWithYou3 #YouthWithYou3 The final part of the initial rating stage is coming! Youth PD CHRIS LEE, Vocal Mentor Ronghao Li, Dance Mentor LISA and Rap Mentor WILL PAN are ready. #李宇春 #LiYuchun #李荣浩 #LiRonghao #RonghaoLi #LISA #리사 #ลิซ่า #潘瑋柏 #WILLPAN