Dear Detectives, Climb up that pedestal for when you get to the top you shall feast your eyes on The Ripper's Soul Emissary Theme Pet! Get your hands on this plum pet, available from March 23! 🐶 #IdentityV #Pet #Ripper
Dear Detectives, he is deceptive and cunning, sly with a twisted smile. A calamity waiting to happen when you give him an inch of fate... Check out the gorgeous Ripper's S Costume package🦋 #IdentityV #Ripper #SCostume
Dear Detectives, find yourself wandering in the abyss, seeking for thrills, don't miss a step for danger looms close! Check out the Ripper's Tuberose S costume as well as his Scale Insect accessory, available on July 14!🔪 #IdentityV #Anniversary #Ripper
Dear Detectives! With thorns as fingers and vining stems covered in flowers blooming all summer long, art does indeed come in all forms Ripper S Costume and A accessory package available on July 14! #IdentityV #Ripper
Dear Detectives watch out! It's The Ripper's Character Day! Let's all wish him a wonderful day!🔪🥳️ #IdentityV #Ripper #CharacterDay
Watch the incredible ONCE Series Jack the Ripper in action! Don't let him catch you!!💀 #IdentityV #ONCE #Ripper
Just sitting there, plotting his next move... It's the ONCE Series Jack the Ripper!! Be wary as he'll tear you apart!🗡️ #IdentityV #Ripper #ONCE