[Event] 미션을 클리어하고 미션 노트를 수집하세요! 획득한 미션 노트의 개수에 따라 카드팩을 드립니다~ KR : bit.ly/3vaTRnE #RhythmHive #RhythmGame
[Event] Clear the mission and collect the notes! You can get card packs according to the number of the acquired notes~ EN : bit.ly/3auFNgH #RhythmHive #RhythmGame
[New Theme] Stop worrying for today! 소년미 뿜뿜 #범규#리듬하이브 를 즐겨봐요! Enjoy #RhythmHive with #BEOMGYU who is oozing with boyish charm! 少年美が溢れる #BEOMGYU#RhythmHive を楽しもう! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] Stop worrying for today! 소년미 뿜뿜 #범규#리듬하이브 를 즐겨봐요! Enjoy #RhythmHive with #BEOMGYU who is oozing with boyish charm! 少年美が溢れる #BEOMGYU#RhythmHive を楽しもう! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] Stop worrying for today! 소년미 뿜뿜 #범규#리듬하이브 를 즐겨봐요! Enjoy #RhythmHive with #BEOMGYU who is oozing with boyish charm! 少年美が溢れる #BEOMGYU#RhythmHive を楽しもう! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[Teasing Song] #TXT 와 영원히 함께 달리고 싶어요. 4/27 #리듬하이브 에서 만나보세요! Want to run with TXT forever. Meet it at #RhythmHive on April.27! TXT とずっと一緒に走りたい 4/27 RhythmHive でチェック! ▶Download : bit.ly/RhythmHive_t #minisode1 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER
[New Theme] Eating Lemon Lime Orange or Slime? #태현 과 리듬하이브 하며 리프레쉬해요~! Play #RhythmHive with #TAEHYUN and refresh your mind! #TAEHYUN#RhythmHive でリフレッシュしよう! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] Eating Lemon Lime Orange or Slime? #태현 과 리듬하이브 하며 리프레쉬해요~! Play #RhythmHive with #TAEHYUN and refresh your mind! #TAEHYUN#RhythmHive でリフレッシュしよう! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] Eating Lemon Lime Orange or Slime? #태현 과 리듬하이브 하며 리프레쉬해요~! Play #RhythmHive with #TAEHYUN and refresh your mind! #TAEHYUN#RhythmHive でリフレッシュしよう! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] BiBiDi BaBiDi BOO~! #휴닝카이 와 함께 마법 같은 #리듬하이브 로 다이빙해요! Dive into the magical world of #RhythmHive with #HUENINGKAI! #HUENINGKAI と魔法な #RhythmHive でダイビング! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] BiBiDi BaBiDi BOO~! #휴닝카이 와 함께 마법 같은 #리듬하이브 로 다이빙해요! Dive into the magical world of #RhythmHive with #HUENINGKAI! #HUENINGKAI と魔法な #RhythmHive でダイビング! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Theme] BiBiDi BaBiDi BOO~! #휴닝카이 와 함께 마법 같은 #리듬하이브 로 다이빙해요! Dive into the magical world of #RhythmHive with #HUENINGKAI! #HUENINGKAI と魔法な #RhythmHive でダイビング! Let's go! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT
[New Product]💘 #SANCTUARY #THEDREAMCHAPTER #MAGIC 눈빛에 치이는 #범규 #태현 #휴닝카이, 만나볼까요? Let's go and meet #BEOMGYU #TAEHYUN #HUENINGKAI, with sparkling eyes. 瞳が魅力な #BEOMGYU #TAEHYUN #HUENINGKAI に会いましょう! ▶linktr.ee/RhythmHive #RhythmHive #RhythmGame
[Event] #ENHYPEN #BORDER_CARNIVAL Congratulations on #COMEBACK!📺 100% 받을 수 있는 로그인 이벤트🎁 Login event that you can receive 100%💝 100%もらえるログインイベント🥳 Start now 😘 ▶Download : bit.ly/RhythmHive_t #RhythmHive #LoginEvent #즐겨봐_ENHYPEN의_카니발
[Song Update]🌠 여러분의 빛나는 별을 찾을 준비 되셨나요? Are you ready to find your shining stars? 皆さんの輝く星を見つけましたか? Meet #WayHome now at #RhythmHive! ▶Download : bit.ly/RhythmHive_t #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #minisode1 #하굣길
[Event] Play #WayHome now! 고득점 할수록 더욱 특별한 보상을 드려요! If you reach a higher score, you will get a more special reward! より高い点数を達成し特別な報酬をゲット! ▶linktr.ee/RhythmHive #RhythmHive #ChallengeEvent #TOMORROW_X_TOGEHTER #TXT #minisode1 #하굣길
[Event] 여러분의 #PerfectHits#리듬하이브 에게 보여주세요! 재미있는 플레이 또는 퍼펙트히트 영상을 아래 해시태그와 닉네임과 함께 올리면 참여 완료! #RhythmHive #RhythmHiveChallenge 추첨을 통해 #BTS #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #ENHYPEN 시즌1 XR 카드를 모두 드립니다😊 #RhythmGame
[Event] Show your #PerfectHits to #RhythmHive~! If you upload a fun play or Perfect Hit video with the hashtag and nickname below, then the participation is complete! #RhythmHiveChallenge We will give you all #BTS #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER and #ENHYPEN Season 1 XR card by the draw.
[Event] 皆さんの #PerfectHits#RhythmHive で見せてください! 面白いプレイやPERFECT HITS動画を以下のハッシュタグとニックネームを一緒に投稿したら参加完了! #RhythmHiveChallenge 抽選で #BTS #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #ENHYPEN シーズン1のXRカードを全部プレゼント😊
#RhythmHive #RhythmHiveChallenge (ft. 냥냥이) 챌린지를 함께한 우리 냥냥이님께 이 영광을💘 재미있는 영상 챌린지는 이렇게 #참여완료 여러분도 GO! GO! #RhythmGame
#RhythmHive #RhythmHiveChallenge (ft. Cute kitty) We give this honor to the cute kitty, who participated in the challenge.💘 The fun video challenge is like this #Participation_completed everyone GO! GO! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame
#RhythmHive #RhythmHiveChallenge (ft. Cute kitty) We give this honor to the cute kitty, who participated in the challenge.💘 The fun video challenge is like this #Participation_completed everyone GO! GO! #RhythmHive #RhythmGame
열일하신 냥냥이님께 드리는 자그마한 성의 좋아해주시니 집사도 뿌듯💝 The guardian is proud that you like the small sincerity given to the hardworking cute kitty 頑張ったニャンニャン様へのほんの気持ち 満足してくれて執事も胸いっぱい #성의 #보수지급완료 #RhythmHive #RhythmGame
[New Theme] 👩‍🚀 우주를 닮은 #ENHYPEN 신규테마 #ENHYPEN new theme that looks like the universe 宇宙に似た #ENHYPEN 新規テーマ 지금 만나보세요! ▶ linktr.ee/RhythmHive #RhythmHive #RhythmGame #BORDER_DAY_ONE #Let_Me_In
[New Product]🧑 #Let_Me_In #BORDER_DAY_ONE #희승 #제이 #성훈 #제이크 가 기다리고 있어요! #HEESEUNG #JAY #SUNGHOON and #JAKE are waiting for you! #HEESEUNG #JAY #SUNGHOON #JAKE が待ってます! Let's go meet them right now! ▶ linktr.ee/RhythmHive #RhythmHive #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈