Celebrate Halloween from the comfort of your own home! Get a free limited edition wallpaper. game.capcom.com/campaign/event… #HALLOWEEN_WITH_VILLAGE #Halloween #VILLAGE #ResidentEvil
Albert Wesker×4😎 #ResidentEvil #REBHFun
Jill Valentine Resident Evil 3 credit: @JuanDissa #JillValentine #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil3
カプコン社内でもクランク発見👀 I also found a crank in CAPCOM. #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil #REBHFun
Jill Valentine🌟 #ResidentEvil #REBHFun
Two #ResidentEvil goods were recently released at the Capcom Store! The "First Aid Spray Bottle" is the perfect size to carry around 🥰. The "Room Fragrance" looks and smells relaxing 🌿The outer box is cute as well... 💕 #REBHFun
明日は #ホワイトデー! みなさん、ジルへのお返しは忘れてないですよね? Tomorrow's #WhiteDay in Japan, where people give gifts to those who gave them a Valentine! Speaking of Valentine, Jill's waiting to see what you got her... #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil #REBHFun twitter.com/REBHPortal/sta…
If you are spending #Christmas alone this year, please stop by this party! You will finally understand the meaning of "Hospitality"!🥰 #ChristmasEve #ResidentEvil #REBHFun
#ResidentEvil Leon/Chris
気づいたら隣の席の人がアンブレラ社員になってた (羨ましいなんて思ってません) (横向きでも使えるみたいです) capcom.co.jp/amusement/capc… I noticed that my coworker next to me becomes an Umbrella employee... #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil #REBHFun
Claire Redfield❤️ #ResidentEvil #REBHFun
✨🎄Digital Card Drawing Campaign🎄✨ Only 3 days left until the Campaign ends! Don't forget to draw every day! #ResidentEvil #REBHFun game.capcom.com/residentevil/e…
暑いのでタイムラインに🌿置いときますね In this heat ,may this herb be a healing for all🌿 #REBHFun #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil
今宵は #中秋の名月…奴の血が騒いでしまう… The moon is so beautiful... It makes his blood extremely hot! #REBHFun #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil
夏といえば、肝試し👻 みなさんが肝試しをするとしたら、↓の中でどこがいいですか? Speaking of summer, let's test our mettle! If you were going to test your mettle, which stage would you choose? #REBHFun #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil
ウェスカーがモニターの画面を叩き割るくらい怒っています! さて、一体何があったでしょう?🤔 What Wesker makes so mad at?🤔 #REBHFun #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil
🇺🇸 See you later at #Megacon Orlando at Booth # PA039 in Artist Alley! I’ll be there everyday! #ResidentEvil #JillValentine
i'm alive, anyway here's a RE chreon comic #chreon #ResidentEvil
人間だった頃のウェスカー #バイオハザード #ResidentEvil