SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 8th Mini Album 'Your Choice' Highlight Medley ▶ youtu.be/t_KqDihYvic #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
[INFO] Your Choice Comeback Goals - Poster Please refer to the comeback goals set by SEVENTEEN fanbases. Let's work hard for this comeback, CARATs! Fighting~ @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
SEVENTEEN has now reached 5.3 MILLION Followers on Spotify! They are currently 6th most followed korean group (178th among all artists) on the platform! Let's reach to more in #Your_Choice and #Ready_to_love era! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
[17'S] Hi CARATs,🙌 Did you enjoy our first listening party? We'll be continuing the party today at 10PM KST (9AM ET/6AM PT), so see you all soon! #SVTListeningParty #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
[17'S] 캐럿 여러분🙌 어제 리스닝 파티 즐거우셨나요? 오늘도 이어서 오후 10시에 진행 예정이니 많은 참여 부탁드립니다! #SVTListeningParty #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
Here is our countdown hashtag for D-2 before #SEVENTEEN's comeback. This hashtag was decided by SEVENTEEN Fanbases. #️⃣.Choose_Love + READY TO LOVE D2 + @pledis_17 🗓️: June 15, 11 PM KST Please refer to the clip for recommendations. #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
We are kickstarting our Day 2 of #SVTListeningParty with this playlist by @pledis_17 on Spotify! You can follow through this playlist if you can't sync your account/non-premium user. #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/playlist/4eQQD…
📚 스밍 가이드 For Carat 고화질 drive.google.com/folderview?id=… <멜론, 지니, 플로> ⬇️ 타래계속 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
📚 다운 가이드 For Carat 고화질 drive.google.com/folderview?id=… <멜론, 지니, 벅스, 바이브> #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 'Ready to love' Official Teaser 1 ▶ youtu.be/R7L9Z_Yo834 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
Share MV Teaser #1 as much as you can, CARATs! Let's spread the love! 💟: youtu.be/R7L9Z_Yo834 READY TO LOVE D2 #Choose_Love #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love
#Ready_to_love SCoups 🤍🌸
Songs that were played during Day 1 of #SVTListeningParty showed massive increase in Spotify Daily Streams (06/14 Update) "Jam Jam" is the biggest daily percentage gainer increasing 705.88% from its previous day. 🔥 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
Spotify Daily Update 06/13 – +1,233,119 06/14 – +1,482,475 TOTAL — 1,403,165,252 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
📚동시 스밍 가이드 For Carat 고화질 drive.google.com/folderview?id=… 안드로이드 사용자들은 동시 스밍이 가능합니다. 최대한 여러 사이트를 동시에 이용해주세요! (오류가 있어 수정 후 다시 업로드합니다) #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
[17'S] 캐럿 여러분🙌 세븐틴 리스닝 파티 2일차도 즐거우셨나요? 오늘 그리고 내일 오후 10시에도 참여 하실 수 있으니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다💕 #SVTListeningParty #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
Countdown hashtag for D-1 before #SEVENTEEN's comeback! #️⃣.All_Our_Love + READY TO LOVE D1 + @pledis_17 🗓️: June 16, 11 PM KST Please refer to the clip for recommendations. #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love CHECK REPLIES FOR MORE DETAILS.
⚒️컴백 준비 현황표 D-2 멜론, 지니를 제외하고 전부 100%를 달성했습니다 참여해주신 분들께 감사드립니다🙇‍♀️ 멜론, 지니, 바이브는 계속 열어두도록 하겠습니다. 바이브는 지금 들어온게 200개뿐 ㅠㅠ 🧱바이브 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
2021.06.17 (목) 💎 00:00 SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album ‘Your Choice’ Official Teaser #2 📺 20:50 채널S JOB동산 (승관) 💎 22:00 'Your Choice' Official Listening Party 📢 D-1 #Ready_to_love #Your_Choice #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 'Ready to love' Official Teaser 2 ▶ youtu.be/hi06tdadDUY #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
빗속에서 군무라고...? 미쳤다 진짜 세븐틴 이번에도 일냈다 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
[17'S] 캐럿 여러분🙌 드디어 세븐틴 미니 8집 'Your Choice' 발매 D-1🗓 리스닝 파티는 일요일(6/20)까지 계속됩니다. 내일 오후 11시부터는 #Your_Choice 도 함께 들어요🎧 많은 관심 감사드립니다💕 #SVTListeningParty #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
[#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS] 8th Mini Album 「Your Choice」リリース記念オンラインイベント開催時間・応募方法・当選後の参加方法のご案内 seventeen-17.jp/posts/informat… #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love