컴백 준비 현황표 D-4 고지가 코 앞 🥰 좀만 더 힘내주세요! 🧱총공비 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… 🧱아이디 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… 🧱바이브 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
⚒️컴백 준비 현황표 D-2 멜론, 지니를 제외하고 전부 100%를 달성했습니다 참여해주신 분들께 감사드립니다🙇‍♀️ 멜론, 지니, 바이브는 계속 열어두도록 하겠습니다. 바이브는 지금 들어온게 200개뿐 ㅠㅠ 🧱바이브 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
⚒ 컴백 준비 현황표 D-6 아이디 모이는 속도가 너무 더뎌서 목표치를 하향조정했습니다 😥 소수의 참여로는 한계가 있으니 다같이 참여해주세요🙏 🧱총공비 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… 🧱아이디 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
#Ready_to_love becomes @pledis_17's highest charting song on Spotify Philippines so far placing at #51 with over 56k plays in the latest update. #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
빗속에서 군무라고...? 미쳤다 진짜 세븐틴 이번에도 일냈다 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
🗳️음악중심 시청자 위원회 투표 ✔️투표 기간 : ~ 7/1 (목) AM 11:00 ✔️시청자 위원회 당선자만 투표 가능 ✔️#세븐틴 + 활동이 겹치지않는 3곡 총 4곡에 투표 ✔️이번주 음중에 반영 📎 program.imbc.com/Info/musiccore… #SEVENTEEN #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
Songs that were played during Day 1 of #SVTListeningParty showed massive increase in Spotify Daily Streams (06/14 Update) "Jam Jam" is the biggest daily percentage gainer increasing 705.88% from its previous day. 🔥 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
Longest charting songs of SEVENTEEN in Spotify Japan Top 200 🇯🇵 1. HIT – 45 days 2. Left & Right – 40 days 3. #Ready_to_love – 38 days *still charting 3. ひとりじゃない – 38 days 5. HOME;RUN – 32 days 5. 24H – 32 days @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
⚒ 컴백 준비 현황표 D-5 속도가 쑥쑥 오르고 있습니다. 컴백이 진짜 얼마 안남았으니 마지막까지 속도를 내주세요 !😊 🧱총공비 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… 🧱아이디 twitter.com/SVT_STREAM/sta… #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
It's reCOMEBACK day!!! Go stream #Your_Choice on Spotify to reach our first week goals of 2.5M streams for #Ready_to_love and 800k for other songs on the album! Don't forget to Shazam the songs too! 🎨: open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN… @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SVT_ReCOMEBACK #ㅁㅎ
[NOTICE] Fan Project for #SEVENTEEN's return from QUARANTEEN. Please see the photos for more info. "#CARATs_Ready_to_love as a reply to #SVT_Ready_to_love." 🗓️: June 29th KST ALL DAY Project initiated by @DokyosEarring. @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #ㅁㅎ
Their best mini-album to date has now reached 1M album copies sold in just less than 4 full days. SEVENTEEN QUADRUPLE MILLION SELLERS @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
Longest charting songs of SEVENTEEN in Spotify Japan Top 200 🇯🇵 1. HIT – 45 days 2. #Ready_to_love – 42 days *still charting 3. Left & Right – 40 days 4. ひとりじゃない – 38 days 5. HOME;RUN – 32 days 5. 24H – 32 days @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album 'Your Choice' ONE SIDE Ver. 승관 버논 디노 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
📚 스밍 가이드 For Carat 고화질 drive.google.com/folderview?id=… <멜론, 지니, 플로> ⬇️ 타래계속 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
[VIDEO] @MTV's update with #SEVENTEEN. —SEVENTEEN on New Mini Album "Your Choice" & Their Experiences With Love | MTV ▶️: youtu.be/pf3xZkgTISc @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #ㅁㅎ
FOR VIRAL CHARTS!!!! Day 3 Check-In. Have you already shared the song to your IG and FB stories? Shared it to your friends? If not yet, then do it now! Also, drop the Spotify Song link below! GO! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
#Ready_to_love gained 433,224 plays on Spotify in its 6th day. Total is now at 2,868,547 plays. KEEP STREAMING CARATS!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
.@pledis_17 | #Ready_to_love (06/21) 🇰🇷 #18 (+1) - 5,956 plays 🇸🇬 #32 (+1) - 15,019 🇲🇾 #35 (-1) - 19,497 🇹🇼 #51 (+10) - 12,829 🇵🇭 #59 (-8) - 51,092 🇭🇰 #84 (+17) - 5,240 🇯🇵 #98 (+6) - 41,075 🇮🇩 #101 (+8) - 44,714 🇹🇭 #113 (+29) - 8,617 🇻🇳 #150 (+1) - 4,463 open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
NEW SPOTIFY PLAYLIST!!! This is focused mainly on the OT13 tracks. Keep Streaming, CARATs! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/playlist/6V2XK…
#Ready_to_love gained 412,737 plays on Spotify in its 7th day. Total is now at 3,281,284 plays. @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…