#2ha #Ranwan 锵锵锵锵!!~
#二哈和他的白猫师尊 #2ha #Ranwan “徒儿和师尊比高高,徒儿乖乖站直,师尊可以垫垫脚。如果师尊不够高,徒儿还会微微弯腰。” (≧ω≦)/ (还有一张二哈白猫稍后发)
[wb-talk] The official trailer and posters are expected to be released on January and #Immortality might come out on early February to March. #Immortality #Haoyixing #Ranwan #LuoYunxi #ChenFeiyu
[wb-talk] a staff said that ranwan's chemistry is so good and most of the sweet scenes in #Immortality is taken from the novel. The plot is too very strong and the story was told so beautifully. #Immortality #Haoyixing #Ranwan #LuoYunxi #ChenFeiyu