#HongKongPolice are planning to deploy up to 7,000 officers on #4June around #HongKong - sources told #RTHK. They said around 3,000 of them would be guarding Victoria Park, the site of the banned candle light vigil to commemorate #TiananmenSquareMassacre in 1989
"Can you imagine the BBC inviting the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to present four shows a day, every day? Yet that is what #RTHK has done with “Chat Show Carrie". New op-ed by our CEO @benedictrogers in @appledailyhk bit.ly/3f0TeGL
「中國特色的香港法治」 原文: 《7.21誰主真相》編導蔡玉玲虛假陳述罪罪名成立! lih.kg/2499840 ●來源:鹿特丹斯巴光年 #七二一誰主真相 #蔡玉玲 #編導 #鏗鏘集 #RTHK #LIHKG
多謝梁家榮先生😭 原文: 梁家榮告別同事:寵辱無驚 去留無意 也無風雨也無晴 lih.kg/2413710 ●來源:極速神驅 #梁家榮 #廣播處 #RTHK #LIHKG
#BREAKING: #HongKong Govt names Patrick Li as the new head of #RTHK, replacing veteran journalist Leung Ka-wing. Li, an AO, will take over as Director of Broadcasting on 1 March; Govt says Leung was due to finish his contract in August, & it will be resolved “by mutual consent”
#HongKongPolice arrested a man on suspected money laundering, as he allegedly received $HK5.8mil rather than 500k thru crowdfunding #RTHK understands he is ex-teacher & volleyball player Yeung Pok-man, who’s earlier convicted of police assault during #HongKongProtests last year
Three #HongKong reporters charged in the spam of three days. They’re from #RTHK, Baptist U student union editorial board & web media Ben Yu Entertainment. The latter two both accused of obstructing #HongKongPolice; HKBU student also charged with resisting arrest #PressFreedom twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
#香港 国営ラジオテレビ局「#RTHK」の老舗調査報道番組《#鏗鏘集》ディレクターが、#721無差別攻撃事件 の報道番組に親政府襲撃者の所用車に対する車両登録調べ申請が《道路交通条例》「政府へ偽り声明」の疑で逮捕されました。新聞自由への打圧で間違い無い。
被指「根據車牌查閱車主資料作報道,涉嫌作虛假聲明」 原文: 據了解,製作鏗鏘集721特輯的港台節目製作人員工會主席蔡玉玲被警方上門拘捕 lih.kg/2268894 ●來源:極速神驅 #RTHK #鏗鏘集 #蔡玉玲 #七二一 #元朗黑夜 #LIHKG
Will they be gone? #RTHK understands these pictures of #HongKong governors under the British colonial era could be removed from the History Museum as it’s now closed for a 2-year major revamp
#RTHK has pulled a TV programme from July with ex-lawmaker Nathan Law (L) @nathanlawkc in it, saying management decided the station has to be cautious becuz sources say he’s wanted on suspicion of violating #NationalSecurityLaw. RTHK Union says this is a step too far since....
#HongKongPolice block #RTHK from reporting at Apple Daily @appledaily_hk headquarters, including police’s briefing, saying “only those who’ve not been obstructing police in the past are invited” #HongKong #PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw Watch: facebook.com/watch/?v=34077…
BREAKING: #HongKongPolice have entered the office of the Public Opinion Research Institute, PORI, according to source. #RTHK is told that officers have a search warrant & accuses the survey body of dishonest use of computer. Source says police are trying to take away all PCs
#RTHK understands that the national legislature has amended the draft #NationalSecurityLaw for #HongKong, with bans of “behavior” endangering national security extended to “activities”. Mainland lawyers say this means not only individuals, but organizations will also be targetted
#BREAKING: #RTHK suspends production of satire TV programme Headliner after regulator gave a warning to broadcaster, ruling that its segment depicting #HongKongPolice was an insult to the force. The Communications Authority said it got 3,300 complaints over the episode on 14Feb
Earlier, protesters in a Sha Tin mall, displaying banners (on left) said by renowned lyricist Albert Leung 林夕 in a recent #RTHK programme: “I don’t believe darkness will forever defeat light; they may kidnap your body but they can’t take away your religion” #HongKongProtests
政府睇到未?🤭 原文: 《鏗鏘集》榮獲 「2020年紐約電視電影節」多個獎項 lih.kg/1985419 ●來源:Puntis #香港電台 #RTHK #鏗鏘集 #高質 #LIHKG
#RTHK's Chinese newsroom won a gold trophy at the New York Festivals Radio Awards, with a feature named “Exodus in Hong Kong- Arduous Escape from the #PolyU” detailing how #AntiELAB protesters escaped Polytechnic University & scholars and politicians appealing protesters to leave
#RTHK’s @RTHK_HK response: after reviewing the whole episode of the @thepulse_rthk, we do not think it violated “One Country, Two Systems”, nor the station’s charter #HongKong twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
打壓言論自由?🤔 原文: [中共插手 打壓言論自由] 政協見梁家榮 促停頭條新聞鏗鏘集 lih.kg/1944196 ●來源:第五個現代化 #言論自由 #香港電台 #RTHK #頭條新聞 #鏗鏘集 #LIHKG
#RTHK has stood by its satirical Cantonese TV programme Headliner for mocking #HongKongPolice, which wrote to the broadcaster expressing extreme regret about the programme for “upending right & wrong” by ignoring officers’ work in fighting epidemic.....
So a bit of a count here — the #HongKong media outlets allowed to enter Macau to cover #China President #XiJinping: Cable TV (others unknown), those have journalists denied entry: #RTHK, #SCMP, NOW TV, Commercial Radio
Polytechnic University #PolyU social sciences scholar Chung Kim-wah (R) told #RTHK he's heading back to campus to try and bring out some 20 students from his department. He says he believes they're not violent protesters but are only doing "resources-sorting" #HongKongProtests
過咗咁多年都仲係咁「盲塞」 ●來源:RTHK 香港電台 #RTHK #香港電台 #我係乜乜乜 #陳百祥 #港超人 #港豬 #LIHKG
香港電台視點31,陳百祥對警方不出示委任證的見解 要說服人先要呃到自己.... ●來源:香港電台視點31 #杜汶澤 #陳百祥 #RTHK #香港電台 #視點31 #LIHKG