NHK杯のあとで、私は札幌のドナルド マクドナルド に 行きます!イベント中に、いただいた ぬいぐるみは、チャリティーのために寄付します。おうえんを よろしくおねがいします。✨❤️ Excited 2 be visiting the Sapporo #RMH after NHK!
Visiting the #RMH in Nagoya this weekend! Donating all the stuffed animals thrown onto the ice after my performance! 今週末、ぼくは名古屋のドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きます!氷上に投げ込まれたヌイグルミは、ドナルド マクドナルド ハウスに寄付します。#GPFigure ✨🇯🇵❤️
Visited the #RMH in Nagoya! Left so inspired by the kids & family's stories of courage, love & hope. Life's truly a gift...名古屋のドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きました。ぬいぐるみありがとうございます!子どもたちはぼくのこころを打った!@RMHC #Keeping FamiliesClose #WeGetUp ❤️
So excited to be visiting the @RMHStanford after the #USChamps18!! All stuffed animals thrown onto the ice after my performances will be donated to the #RMH and will be shared with all the kids and families there!! #ComfortandJoy ❤️✨
❤️ These kids just melt my heart! Thankful for all the support in San Jose last week and for all the #RMH stuffed animal donations!! #ComfortandJoy @RMHStanford ❤️
Visitng the #RMH in Taiwan after #4ContsFigure! All stuffed animals thrown onto the ice after my skates will be donated to the kids there!! 今週末、ぼくは台湾のドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きます!氷上に投げ込まれたヌイグルミは、ドナルド マクドナルド ハウスに寄付します。❤️✨
😍😘❤️ There is just so much love at the #RMHC...my heart could burst! Love these kids and their families! 昨日、私はシカゴのドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きました!こどもたちは私のこころを打った!❤️😘😍 @RMHC @RMHCCNI #RMH #KeepingFamiliesClose
Skate Canada Day 1 ✔️ #TeamUSA 🇺🇸❤️ • Also, I’m visiting the #RMH in Montreal after the event! Any stuffed animals thrown on the ice after my performances will be donated 2 the kids at the 🏠! スケートカナダの後で私はドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きます!#keepingfamiliesclose
Visiting the #RMH in Grenoble! Stuffed animals thrown on the ice after my skates will be donated there! 😘 • Je visiterai la maison de Ronald McDonald ici à Grenoble après la compétition! Je donnerai toutes les peluches jetees sur la glace pour moi aux enfants a cette maison! ❤️
🚨 @RMHC ALERT 🚨 Visiting the #RMH in Detroit after #USChamps19! All stuffed animals thrown on the ice after my performances will be donated to the strong, courageous kids at the house! Keep spreading love everyone! See u from the other side of the boards! 😉👊 😘, Jason
As always, I’ll be visiting the #RMH after #4ContsFigure!! ❤️ All stuffed animals thrown on the ice after my performances will be donated to @RonaldHouseOC! 四大陸のあとで、ドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きます!#KeepingFamiliesClose #4CC2019 😘✨
The tradition continues! ❤️ Stuffed animals thrown on the ice after my performances at #SkateAmerica will be donated to the #RMH in Las Vegas! ✨ スケートアメリカのあとで、僕はドナルドマクドナルドハウスに行きます!氷上に投げ込まれたヌイグルミは、ラスベガスのハウスに寄付します。🥰
🧸❤️ @RMHWinstonSalem Huge thx 2 everyone who threw stuffed animals on the ice after my performances at #USChamps20! The #RMH is such a special place, full of love, heart, & lots of courage! Thank u @RMHC for all that u do for families around the world! 🙌 #keepingfamiliesclose
The stuffed animals thrown on the ice after my performances will be donated to the #RMH is Busan 🇰🇷 제 공연후에 보내주신 인형들은 부산에 있는 로널드 맥도날드 하우스에 기부할 예정입니다. ❤️ 氷上に投げ込まれたヌイグルミは、釜山のドナルド マクドナルド ハウスに寄付します。🙏 @RMHC