«هشتگ #R2PforIran باید ترند بشه» مردم ایران به دخالت فوری جامعه بین‌المللی نیاز داره. بر این اساس یک حکومت نباید علیه مردم خودش به جنگ کشتار دست بزند و این ستم را با «حق حاکمیت» و اصولی چون «عدم دخالت» و «برابری دولتها» توجیه کند.! #مهسا_امینی
هشتگ #R2PforIran باید ترند بشه مردم ایران به دخالت فوری جامعه بین‌المللی نیاز داره. #مهسا_امینی
چرا هشتگ #R2PforIran باید ترند بشه؟ #مهسا_امینی
There are reports of the terrorist Islamic Regime using HEXACHLOROETHANE;a nerve agent that disrupts the central nervous system .It is being used on unarmed people of #javanroud.It is hard evidence of crimes against humanity.we request of immediate R2P by the world. #R2PforIran
۱ آذر مردم شهرستان مهر در استان فارس بپاخاستند. بازم یه شهر جدید یاد گرفتیم نسنسنسم ویروسی بشه با تغییر جزئی* #مهسا_امینی #R2PforIran
از اونجایی که ترند کردن لازمه‌اش همزمان توییت کردنه، برای ترند کردن هشتگ #R2PforIran امشب ساعت ۶ شب همه متن‌های انگلیسی و عکس‌ها رو توییت می‌کنیم. #مهسا_امینی
فراخوان پنجشنبه ۳ آذر. تلگرام و اینستا باید ویروسی بشه این فراخوان. #مهسا_امینی #R2PforIran
اگه اومد تایم لاینتون تو اکانت های خودتونم با هشتگ انگلیسی بزارید !!! #MahsaAmini #R2PforIran
متن درست توییت برای ترند کردن هشتگ #R2PforIran #مهسا_امینی
The people of Iran need the immediate intervention of the international community. A government should not kill its own people and justify this oppression with "sovereignty" and principles such as "non-interference" and "equality of governments"! #R2PforIran #MahsaAmini
I demand a @UN resolution to start a Peacekeeping Operation in Iran. Based on the Responsibility to Protect (#R2PforIran) international community must immediately intervene and stop genocide in Iran.. WE NEED HELP NOW! #MahsaAmini
HELP is not Invasion HELP is not Colonization HELP is not Intervention  HELP IS A RESPONSE OF HUMAN BEING TO ANOTHER ONE Ask your government to help us. IRANIAN ARE CALLING FOR HELP  HELP US BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!! #R2PforIran #MahsaAmini
The terrorists of IRGC have used various types of chemical gases on the Kurdish civilians in the city of Javanrud and Piranshahr. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity. Why is the international community silent? What happened to #R2PforIran ?? @WHO #MahsaAmini
IRGC는 The DShK 1938에 의해 마하바드의 무방비 상태의 사람들에게 총을 쏘고 있습니다. 때때로 Dushka라는 별명이 붙습니다. 사람들은 IRGC로부터 자신을 방어할 총이나 다른 것을 가지고 있지 않습니다. 우리는 당신의 지원이 필요합니다 침묵하지 마십시오... #R2PforIran #MahsaAmini
These are some of the bullets that IRGC uses against unarmed civilians in #Javanroud !. #R2PforIran
The Islamic Republic is committing genocide by using all kinds of war weapons!! They uses banned chemical weapons against its citizens.This cartridge is a CS gas that was banned by the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).It is used in Kurdistan, Iran.! #R2PforIran #MahsaAmini
بیاید با همکاری همدیگه فراخوان ۳ آذر رو به گوش دنیا برسونیم. #مهسا_امینی #R2PforIran
بچه ها فردا سلزمان ملل واسه ایران جلسه برگزار میکنه و تا فردا وقت داریم #R2PforIran رو ترند کنیم خیلی مهمه همگی متن انگلیسی توی ثرد رو منشن کنین #مهسا_امینی
The people of Iran need the immediate intervention of the international community. A government should not kill its own people and justify this oppression with "sovereignty" and principles such as "non-interference" and "equality of governments". #R2PforIran #مهسا_امینی
I demand a @UN resolution to start a Peacekeeping Operation in Iran. Based on the Responsibility to Protect (#R2PforIran) international community must immediately intervene and stop genocide in Iran.. WE NEED HELP NOW! #مهسا_امینی
The people of Iran need the immediate intervention of the international community. A government should not kill its own people and justify this oppression with "sovereignty" and principles such as "non-interference" and "equality of governments". #R2PforIran
I demand a @UN resolution to start a Peacekeeping Operation in Iran. Based on the Responsibility to Protect (#R2PforIran) international community must immediately intervene and stop genocide in Iran.
The terrorists of IRGC have used various types of chemical gases on the Kurdish civilians in the city of Javanrud and Piranshahr. This is a war crime. This is a crime against humanity. Why is the international community silent? What happened to #R2PforIran ? @WHO
بچه ها فردا سلزمان ملل واسه ایران جلسه برگزار میکنه و تا فردا وقت داریم #R2PforIran رو ترند کنیم. خیلی مهمه! ؛همگی متن انگلیسی توی ثرد رو منشن کنید؛ #مهسا_امینی
The IRGC shoots defenseless people He steals people's private property He shoots civilians with 7/12 caliber machine guns This girl's eyes were blinded by Khamenei's mercenaries! Do you still want to be silent? #R2PforIran #OpIran