【NIKKE PROFILE - Quency】 She is a master escape artist, capable of breaking out of any prison. “Hehe, where are we off to today?” #NIKKE #Quency
【NIKKE PROFILE - Quency】 ✅: Manufacturer: MISSILIS INDUSTRY ✅: Affiliation: Real Kindness ✅: Weapon: SMG: Most Wanted She has a knack for making connections, placing her squarely at the epicenter of the Rehabilitation Center’s economy. #NIKKE #Quency
【NIKKE Motion Demonstration】 Quency - Master Escape Artist Quency uses SMG: Most Wanted, and her Burst skill can strengthen her teammates' attack and HP. #NIKKE #Quency
⊕PF38新作 NIKKE Cosplay photobook⊕ 海外販売の予約フォームが明日オープン🥰 photographer/@Gaeaforce #メガニケ #ニケ #アニス #モダニア #クエンシー #ジャッカル #NIKKE #Anis #Modernia #Quency #Jackal