[🎥VIDEO] #Proof_of_Jin #Jin: I wanted to include "Moon" and "Jamais Vu" so that you could give them another listen. Everyone knows that ARMY and I are inseparable like the Earth and the Moon. And it's already a well-known fact that this is what "Moon" +
“Just like in the lyrics in “Jamais Vu”, whenever things get tough and I get exhausted, I will think of our members and ARMY who have been my refuge and comfort, and make more good music.” #Proof_of_Jin #ProofOfInspiration2
“Now, I think we’re at a point where I am ARMY and ARMY are me - we’re assimilated into one. The path that I’ve taken so far wouldn’t have been possible without ARMY. You are my, and BTS’ living proof.” #Proof_of_Jin #ProofOfInspiration2
“Everyone knows that ARMY and I are inseparable like the Earth and the Moon. And it’s already a well-known fact that this is what “Moon” is about.” #Proof_of_Jin #ProofOfInspiration2
“I wanted to include “Moon” and “Jamais Vu” so that you could give them another listen.” #Proof_of_Jin #ProofOfInspiration2
Jin’s chosen songs are “Moon” and “Jamais Vu” for the “Proof” album #Proof_of_Jin #ProofOfInspiration2