#希林娜依高 创造营2020 主题曲《你最最最重要》直拍 #CurleyGao ProduceCamp2020 Theme Song “You Are Everything To Me” - #创造营2020 #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020 #你最最最重要
#创造营2020 第3期预告:首场竞演舞台来袭,特派教练 #吴亦凡 空降! Sneak peek of EP3 with the appearance of special mentor - #KrisWu! #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020
#创造营2020 主题曲 MV 《你最最最重要》 #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020 Theme Song MV “You Are Everything to Me”
稍息立正站好,抬头挺胸收腰!脸上朵朵红晕和最元气灿烂的笑容已准备就绪,今天下午3: 03 #创造营2020 主题曲MV即将上线,期待与最最最重要的你相见! The MV for #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020 theme song will go online at 3.03pm today!
#ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020 The 7 trainees that are seated at the debut lineup seats are #ChenZhuoxuan #JiangZhenyu #LinJunyi #Sally #LiZimeng #YaoHui #Nene
天啦噜!学姐 #火箭少女101 #孟美岐 学长 #R1SE #周震南 空降城堡啦!学姐学长不仅和学员们一起掰手腕、扮古风装、玩模仿秀…还带来了超酷帅的合作舞台!本周六、日晚 8 点,EP02腾讯视频全网独播,梦幻城堡期待学姐学长的到来 #创造营2020 #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020
#创造营2020 这是一则会让你忍不住洗脑循环的【片场日记】,学员 #郑乃馨 清唱泰文歌好听哭[泪]阿堡的耳朵享福了~ This is a “set diary” that will make you unable to bear the brainwashing cycle. Trainee #Nene sings so well! Our ears are blessed! #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020
#创造营2020 你们觉得 #黄子韬 教练唱的《喜欢你》怎么样? #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020 What do you guys think about Mentor #Tao ‘s singing?
#创造营2020 恭喜 #希林娜依高 成为首位腾讯视频账号破100万的学员! ​​​ #ProduceCamp2020 #Chuang2020 Congratulations to #CurleyGao for being the first trainee to get 1 million followers on Weibo!
สวัสดี​ค่ะ​ เนื่องจาก​เราได้เห็นศักยภาพ​และความน่ารักของน้องเนเน่เราเลยรวมตัวกันสร้างบ้านนี้ขึ้นมาค่ะ​ จะคอยอัพเดต​ข่าว​สาร​ แปลต่างๆและ​เป็น​จุดศูนย์กลาง​ในการทำกิจกรรม​ต่างๆ​ มาอยู่​ในบ้านหลังเล็กๆนี่ด้วยกันนะคะ❣️ #ProduceCamp2020 #Chuang2020 #เนเน่ #Nene #郑乃馨 #ZhengNaixin
#青春万岁 《你最最最重要》 看 #黄子韬#创造营2020 学员们 用青春歌舞展现青春活力 “逐梦青春,你们敢吗?” “敢,我有万丈光芒!” 青春万岁! #黄子韬创3学员同台跳主题曲 #Tao performed the theme song of #ProduceCamp2020 with the trainees at the show #YouthForever
#黄子韬 教练联合 #创造营2020 学员在 #青春万岁 共演主题曲! #Tao performed the theme song of #ProduceCamp2020 with the trainees at the show called “Youth Forever”
#宋茜 #创造营2020 女团舞直拍 #VictoriaSong dancing to the theme song of #ProduceCamp2020 #Chuang2020
#鹿晗 #创造营2020 女团舞直拍 #Luhan dancing to #ProduceCamp2020 theme song
#郑乃馨 #Nene sang “Best Part” during #ProduceCamp2020 vocal battle!
#创造营2020 最强舞担battle战,动作利落,眼神自信,你们勇敢释放能量的每一瞬间,都是女团创始人心里的killing part #ProduceCamp2020 dance battle among the strongest!
#鹿晗#创造营2020 女团舞直拍! #Luhan dancing to #ProduceCamp2020 theme song!
#黄子韬#创造营2020 女团舞直拍! #Tao dancing to #ProduceCamp2020 theme song!
EP01上集抢先看!音乐响起用实力说话,舞担对决一触即发!创造营学员中谁能扛起“最强舞担”称号?谁的表现能征服专业严格的教练团?5月2日起每周六、日晚8点 腾讯视频全网独播,创始人们准时来看“神仙打架”! #创造营2020 #ProduceCamp2020
创造营首支预告片 #2 First Trailer of Produce Camp 2020 #2 From May 2nd every Saturday and Sunday at 8pm. It will be broadcasted exclusively on Tencent video, VIP members will enjoy exclusive benefits from Monday to Sunday. #ProduceCamp2020 #Chuang2020 #創造營2020 #创造营2020
鹿教练 #鹿晗 个人技挑战等你来解锁!各位女团创始人和创造营2020的学员们能猜出模仿鸭子叫的鹿教练说了什么吗?敢挑战鹿教练嘛? Mentor #Luhan personal skill challenges are waiting for you to unlock! Can you guys guess what Mentor Luhan is talking about? #创造营2020 #ProduceCamp2020
您有一份韬教练 #黄子韬 的个人技挑战待查收!这灵活的手指和耳朵绝对不是特效!各位女团创始人和创造营2020的学员们快来挑战吧! These flexible fingers and ears are definitely not special effects! Come and join the challenge by Mentor #Tao! #创造营2020 #ProduceCamp2020 #創造營2020