ヘンリー王子、新たな役職名「CHIMPO」が、日本語で男性器の呼び方であると海外でも話題に👀💥ネット上ではさっそく大喜利大会😂 #PrinceHarry #ヘンリー王子 ☆詳しくはこちら↓↓↓ buff.ly/3tHW3T9
Does the UK monarchy have a future? Experts don't think so. From collaborating with Nazis to protecting child traffickers, the UK Royal Family is obsolete. #PrincePhilipfuneral #PrincePhilip #PrinceHarry #MeghanAndHarry #EndTheMonarchy Find out why 👇 youtube.com/watch?v=uGSnq9…
#PrinceHarry,The Duke of Sussex 🇬🇧visited 🇯🇵 for #RWCFinal. HRH also visited the Para Arena training center in Tokyo and interacted with 🇯🇵 para athletes. The new Para Arena was established for para athletes in June 2018, and its facilities are all barrier-free🌈. #paralympics twitter.com/UKinJapan/stat…