Trainers, we know you’ve been hard at work exploring the Galar region in #PokemonSwordShield, and it got us thinking—what if your Pokémon adventures could go on even longer, with more Pokémon to battle, and new discoveries to explore? 🤔
10 more sleeps! #PokemonSwordShield
Still catching up after AX, but here's a quick Bea break pic/WIP. Loving her design, it's very cool. Complimentary piece to the Nessa one I did earlier. Hopefully can finish for SDCC. #PokemonSwordShield #ポケットモンスター #Bea #サイトウ #cutiesaturday
ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド キョダイマックス/GIGANTAMAX マルヤクデVSメルメタル #ポケモン #Pokemon #ポケモン剣盾 #PokemonSwordShield
Which Morpeko are you today, Trainers? Like for Full Belly Mode 😇, RT for Hangry Mode 😡 #PokemonSwordShield
ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド エキスパンションパス 「薄明の翼」EXPANSION ~星の祭~ サムネのリザードンかっこいいし、こっそり居るダクマもかわいい☺️ #薄明の翼 #ポケモン剣盾 #PokemonSwordShield
If you need us, we'll be exploring the Wild Area for the rest of the day. #PokemonSwordShield
Rawr means I love you in #Raihan 🦖🧡 • #PokemonSwordShield
ソード・シールドで新登場したポケモンたちのドットを作りました⚔️🛡️ 鎧の孤島が楽しみです! #ポケモン剣盾 #PokemonSwordShield
Trainers, we’re excited to announce the very first official competition for #PokemonSwordShield! Galar Beginnings kicks off in December 2019 and will be accepting participants from around the globe! Are you excited to compete? bit.ly/2rbMall
📍 Next Stop: Galar! Follow along as we collect stamps by revisiting some of our favorite discoveries from this new region – and get ready to explore for yourself in just a few short days! What are you most excited to experience in #PokemonSwordShield?
Yo #Leon pick your head up king your snapback is falling 👑💛 • #PokemonSwordShield
Over 200 new and familiar #Pokemon species arrive with the #PokemonSwordShield ⚔🛡 Expansion Pass! Even if you don't own this DLC, you can add them to your collection by trading with others!
klara my girl........ #PokemonSwordShield
ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド エキスパンションパス 冠の雪原/The Crown Tundra レジドラゴ/Regidrago #ポケモン剣盾 #PokemonSwordShield
Between its contemporary towns and cities, the Galar region is full of vast expanses of nature and the untamed wilderness of the Wild Area. 🌆🌲 What do you hope to find in the Wild Area, Trainers? #PokemonSwordShield
I'm sick but have some wholesome hypebeast Raihan and some of his besties.🌞 #PokemonSwordShield
Gloria & Hypno / ユウリ & スリーパー 😡🥃 The Scottish Trainer is very dangerous! If you try to hypnotize recklessly, you'll get hit with a bottle of alcohol. #pokemon #PokemonSwordShield
Tired after a long day of traveling around the Galar region? Use Pokémon Camp to set up camp and take a break! You can cook curry, play with your Pokémon, and rest up for the journey ahead. ⛺️🍛😴 #PokemonSwordShield
You’ll have to wait a little longer to watch Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle—but Dada Zarude and Shiny Celebi can soon join your #PokemonSwordShield adventure! 🍃✨ More details here: bit.ly/2X0h7ZB