#PhoenixTV #鳳凰衛視 是中共间谍特务情报机构! 20170809 Miles Guo: 凤凰卫视隶属中共国安全部,80%股权,马建部长曾管过!《凤凰管不住得收回来》报告把刘长乐吓昏过去后,习近平在钓鱼台明确安全部(MPS)管关系, 中联办管钱! 20181209 Miles… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#PhoenixTV a direct affiliate of the CCP's Ministry of State Security (MSS), is the propaganda machine of the CCP for decades. On April 10, 2023, Phoenix TV aired a frame-up video against Miles Guo, containing a composition which selectively used parts of different videos to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…