📣本日、この後深夜2時〜 #GRAMMYs ノミネート発表! 🌐視聴→live.grammy.com エントリー↓ 📝#BE Album of the year Pop vocal Engineered non classical 📝#Butter Record of the year Song of the year Pop duo/group performance 📝#PermissionToDance Music video #BTS @BTS_twt
[KBS K-POP YEAR-END SURVEY — 2021] BTS is nominated for: 🏆 Artist of the Year 🏆 Boy Group of the Year 🏆 Song of the Year '#Butter', '#LifeGoesOn', '#Dynamite', & '#PermissionToDance' Make sure to cast your vote👇: bit.ly/KBS_Survey
Your @AMAs #FavoritePopDuoOrGroup winner is... 💜 @BTS_twt 💜 Do we have #PermissionToDance over this win!? #AMAs
⭐️#GRAMMYs ノミネート発表 🗓今月24日 深夜2時~ 🌐視聴→live.grammy.com エントリー↓ 📝#BE Album of the year Pop vocal Engineered non classical 📝#Butter Record of the year Song of the year Pop duo/group performance 📝#PermissionToDance Music video #BTS @BTS_twt
HYBEがグラミーに以下の内容で エントリー!(申請) 🌐#BE Album of the year Pop vocal Engineered non classical 🌐#Butter Record of the year Song of the year Pop duo/group performance 🌐#PermissionToDance Music video 🎊ノミネート発表 11月23日(日本は24日?) #バンタン #BTS
Wow @BTS_twt performed #PermissionToDance from the UN General Assembly Hall 🤯
ends in 10mins! I vote #BTS ,#ARMY, #Butter, #ButterClipe, #PermissionToDance at the 2021 #MPN @BTS_twt
🎧 Less than 20 songs left on the Butter x Dynamite listening party, join if you haven’t yet! #MPN #PermissionToDance #BTS #Butter #ButterClipe #ARMY share.stationhead.com/ieXzAYmcK7g
RT & Reply I vote #BTS ,#ARMY, #Butter, #ButterClipe, #PermissionToDance at the 2021 #MPN @BTS_twt Ends 20 minutes ⚠️
📣 Our little listening party starts in just 30 MINUTES! Every stream is important, join in with us and lets stream and vote together! #MPN #PermissionToDance #BTS #ARMY #ButterClipe #Butter share.stationhead.com/18C44sHnUDw
Third round of #VMAs voting for ‘Song of Summer’ has opened on MTV IG stories! 🔗 instagram.com/stories/mtv/26… #MPN #PermissionToDance #BTS #Butter #ButterClipe #ARMY
RT to vote #BTS, #ARMY, #Butter, #PermissionToDance& #ButterClipe tonight at the 2021 Meus Premios Nick (#MPN). 🏆
RT to vote #PermissionToDance tonight for the ‘Challenge Hit do ano’ at the 2021 Meus Premios Nick (#MPN). 🏆
You've probably never heard @BTS_twt #PermissionToDance like this before 👏 (Band: Ohio University Marching 110)
ARMY, THE GAP KEEPS DECREASING! LET'S GIVE OUR BEST! 💪🏼 🔑: BTS UNO ON TMA [#MPN #BTS #ARMY #Butter #ButterClipe #PermissionToDance] 🗳: en.fannstar.tf.co.kr/rank/view/star 📖: bit.ly/VWA_FanNStar
ARMY, DROP ALL OF YOUR VOTES NOW! 🔑: BTS UNO ON TMA [#MPN #BTS #ARMY #Butter #ButterClipe #PermissionToDance] 🗳: en.fannstar.tf.co.kr/rank/view/star 📖: bit.ly/VWA_FanNStar
🌍| HELP US TREND "BTS UNO ON TMA" ⭐️ REPLY WITH 10 COLORS 👇🏼 [#MPN #BTS #ARMY #Butter #ButterClipe #PermissionToDance] 🗳: en.fannstar.tf.co.kr/rank/view/star 📖: bit.ly/VWA_FanNStar
I vote for #BTS, #ARMY, #Butter, #PermissionToDance  and #ButterClipe at the 2021 #MPN (@BTS_twt). ✨
I vote for #BTS, #ARMY, #Butter, #PermissionToDance  and #ButterClipe at the 2021 #MPN (@BTS_twt). 🔥
🗳 Keep casting your votes for @BTS_twt at the 2021 Meus Prêmios Nick! #MPN #PermissionToDance #ARMY #BTS #Butter #ButterClipe
Don't forget to vote on Fan N Star. There's a time event going on right now 👇🏼 [#MPN #BUTTER #ARMY #BTS #PermissionToDance #ButterClipe] @BTS_twt twitter.com/VoteWithAMI/st…
ARMYs, keep streaming Butter Thee Remix while casting your votes! 🧈👅 + short songs: spoti.fi/3mZL3QF 🧈👅 2h focus: spoti.fi/3n0M9f1 🧈👅 overnight: spoti.fi/3tbksBj #MPN #PermissionToDance #ARMY #BTS #Butter #ButterClipe