It takes the situation of #PengShuai to unveil how unchecked the power in China is. Unfortunately, many more are suffering from similar situations — their crime is to speak the truth and demand justice. I hope she can safely return and justice is achieved, so do the others.
Seems a good time to re-up this picture from 2016 of @iocmedia President Thomas Bach meeting with Zhang Gaoli - the man #PengShuai said sexually assaulted her.
Someone in CCP is going to be fired— there is a Winnie the Pooh in the third photo. And they tried to fool the world by these usual CCP tactics. We demand truth and safe return of #PengShuai. These little tricks do not work. #WhereIsPengShuai twitter.com/shen_shiwei/st…
I just want to know who that guy in the mirror is when #PengShuai says that she is happy and free and that she hasn't been sexually assaulted. #彭帥 說她很自由快樂,未受任何性侵時,鏡子裏那個人是誰? #WhereIsPengShuai #BoycottBeijingOlympic
It’s high time the “useful idiots” of the International Olympic Committee were hauled before the world’s parliaments to account for their appalling enabling of the CCP’s abuse. What a contrast to the leadership of ⁦@WTA#PengShuai olympics.com/ioc/news/ioc-s…
What’s most concerning about #PengShuai’s “retirement” from professional tennis is that it provides #CCPChina🇨🇳 with an excuse to sweep her under the rug, keep her out of the headlines as @WTA season starts, and prevent her from playing tour events abroad. deadspin.com/peng-shuai-ret…
Yeah I have a question: Where is #PengShuai? #AskMFA_China twitter.com/MFA_China/stat…
IOC's cowardice in refusal to call out China over #PengShuai's disappearance is a dereliction of duty, while @WTA has put Peng's wellbeing above its own business interests. IOC: Saw her email on CGTN, so she must be fine! Everyone else: #WhereIsShuaiPeng telegraph.co.uk/tennis/2021/11…
China’s in a Catch-22 over the WTA’s #PengShuai challenge “We've got so accustomed to international businesses cowering to the #CCP🇨🇳 for market access, we lost sense of what it should be like, so an act of integrity [by @WTA] is viewed as extraordinary.” qz.com/2097286/wta-pu…
Women Tennis Association suspends tournaments in China including Hong Kong @WTA cannot “ask athletes to compete [in China] when #PengShuai isn't allowed to communicate freely and has seemingly been pressured to contradict her allegation of sexual assault.”wtatennis.com/news/2384758/s…
#NEW @WTA REFUSING to host events in China until #PengShuai case is resolved. Have to hand it to them. While other sports associations pay lip service to human rights and gender quality, Steve Simon’s WTA is practising what it preaches. twitter.com/SafeguardDefen…
According to @StandNewsHK, RTHK removed reporting on Chinese tennis player #PengShuai from its website.
Outside China: “You want to talk about tennis? Let us tell you about Tennis and #PengShuai!” Inside China: Impose media blackout of discussions of Peng’s case. Even words such as “tennis” and the surname “Peng” have been censored or shadow banned online. hrw.org/news/2021/11/2…
“They don't alleviate or address the @WTA's concern about her well-being and ability to communicate without censorship or coercion.” #PengShuai's video call with the IOC's president doesn't not address or alleviate the @WTA's concern about her well-being. reuters.com/lifestyle/spor…
#PengShuai messages banned at the Australian Open "Under our ticket conditions of entry we don't allow clothing, banners or signs that are commercial or political," @TennisAustralia said in a statement. Shame on Tennis Australia! You and @WTA should talk. straitstimes.com/asia/australia…