OFF COLLAB KARAOKE #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine IT'S PAVONASHI TIME!!! If you wanna listen to two birds off collab singing this is the right place TAG is #Pavonashi 9 PM GMT+7 / 11 PM JST…
Thank you so much for watching our collab!!! 😎🤝 I had tons of fun drawing and talking with Kiwawa, look forward for more soon! :D check out our early halloween purikura!!! (Reine drawn by Kiara, Kiara drawn by Reine) #Pavolive #Pavonashi
DRAWING WITH KIARA #Pavonashi #Pavolive Art collab between spicy birds?! We're gonna draw in 1 canvas together while chit chatting! Q: If pavonashi went trick or treating together, what would be a good costume combo for them? 9 PM GMT+7 / 23:00 JST